And these field trials are blocked from going ahead because of the ban on vaccinating cattle.
Prof Hewinson says his team has developed one but this also needs field trials.
It may be that next year's evaluation of the field trials vindicates the green lobby's objections.
Only two months before the data had to be in, the clinician field trials had barely begun.
Field trials have yielded positive results and a handful of companies hope to commercialize this plant technology.
We're live in Fort Worth and in field trials in five additional markets.
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Whitehall ministers backed hundreds of field trials for GM crops in the 1990s.
In Britain, the number of field trials is down to four in 2002, from a peak of 37 in 1995.
Monsanto has conducted extensive field trials in Brazil of genetically modified soyabeans, which might also make possible less use of chemicals.
Compounding the unwisdom of current regulation of field trials and commercialization of genetically engineered plants, USDA prohibits them from organic farming.
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It had bought Monterey before the latter's core product was finished, and in 20 months Cisco couldn't get past field trials.
But field trials have only just begun for mosaic disease and do not start for brown streak until later this year.
Mr. Greenberg gives us a front-row seat at the APA's annual meeting in 2011, when results of the field trials were reported.
According to Lucent, telecommunications service provider Global Crossing plans to conduct field trials of the WaveStar system before the end of the year.
They include small field trials carried out in Ethiopia over two years, which showed that TB vaccination protected 56% of cattle from infection.
Both the companies had cleared the technical evaluation and field trials.
Now halfway through field trials, the results are astonishing.
The four year project, in the final stages of field trials in Holland and Belgium with elderly people, was awarded 7.8 million euros under the EU Seventh Framework Program.
Prof Hewinson said his scientists will now work on designing the necessary field trials so that a detailed approach can be presented to European officials in the hope of moving forward.
Why would the APA rush publication in spite of unfinished field trials and failures to find high reliability among clinicians, the very things that their claims to a scientific DSM rely on?
Field trials on cattle TB vaccines are banned in the UK, but scientists have been collaborating with countries where vaccination programmes are ongoing, including the US, Argentina, Ethiopia, Mexico and New Zealand.
These specs are for the prototype, of course, so after the late-2013 field trials at three Japanese universities, we might see some revisions before commercialization goes ahead sometime during the 2013 fiscal year.
Unscientific and discriminatory EPA and USDA regulatory policies make field trials with genetically engineered plants 10 to 20 times more expensive than a similar plant engineered with less precise, less predictable conventional genetic techniques.
But even if the VMD grants a licence for BCG to be used in cattle, field trials still need to be held to prove that it works under real farm conditions as well as experimental ones.
Mr. Siegel got his first high-profile test during the U.S. track and field trials in late June when Jeneba Tarmoh finished third in the 100-meter sprint but was later declared in a dead heat with Allyson Felix.
The key difference is that clinical trials are much more rigorous, and as much as possible rely on objective, quantitative analysis to measure improvement, as opposed to field trials, which are more reliant on patients' subjective reactions.
As noted above, the use of genetic engineering techniques for anything that falls within the regulatory definition of a "pesticide"--even when that definition is tortured to claim jurisdiction--triggers case-by-case review, which is not necessary for small-scale field trials for other pesticides, regardless of risk.