Silhouetted against the night sky, it seems that this strange mountain has always fiercely guarded its secrets.
An unauthorized biography of Assange, which he has fiercely criticized, was also released in September.
But Baidu has stayed independent--and if the CNNIC survey is any yardstick, fiercely so.
Use of bilingual road signs has also been a fiercely debated issued in recent years.
In the geeky, fiercely competitive world of neurobiology, the identification of olfactory receptors was huge news.
But islanders are fiercely independent and that idea is not accepted by the majority.
Known for their hospitality, traditional music and healthy home-cooking, Cretans are also fiercely independent.
Yet banking is supposed to be a fiercely competitive market, with low barriers to entry.
Presumably these fiercely independent board members would extract better contracts from the management companies.
The Wimbledon semi-finalist edged through 7-6 (7-5) 6-3 in fiercely hot conditions at Flushing Meadows.
Many researchers think that this sink is on land, but its location is fiercely debated.
ECONOMIST: Two new satellites will monitor carbon dioxide emissions
Mr. Murdoch fiercely defended Ms. Brooks for months as the scandal escalated last year.
WSJ: U.K. Police Arrest Rebekah Brooks, Husband in Phone-Hacking Probe
The powerful National Rifle Association is fiercely opposed to any ban on assault-style weapons.
CNN: Gun control support rises but divide remains over what to do
But I still love it up there, in some ways more fiercely than ever before.
They also have to compete less fiercely for resources than trees in dense forests.
It took the men, and their fiercely competitive staffs, months to repair the rift.
Fans, even those fiercely loyal to Knight, have been won over by the new regime.
Commentators of all types have fiercely debated the gravity of these crimes in recent months.
The company focuses on the youth fashion market, which is fiercely competitive and under pressure.
He gave a fiercely accurate performance, achieving a sound of notable strength and weight.
Baltacha is fiercely ambitious and believes the best is yet to come from her game.
But having pulled Singh fiercely through mid-wicket, he quickly added a sumptuous cover drive.
Neurologists fiercely debate whether the amyloid clumps are the cause of the disease--or merely a consequence.
Trucking is a fiercely competitive industry, with dozens of firms providing a variety of trucking services.
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Fiercely original and unapologetically innovative, Ross Lovegrove describes himself, somewhat reluctantly, as an industrial designer.
Fiercely competitive, inventive and multi-disciplinary, their job requires some sawing and hammering, but equally, inspiration.
FORBES: An Insider's View Of Silicon Alley's Talent Feeding Frenzy
Expanding at such a pace in such a fiercely competitive business leads to problems.
Claims by the British Airline Pilots Association that safety is being compromised are, however, fiercely denied.
The U.S. reversal is likely to please Russia, which had fiercely opposed the plans.
In Saudi Arabia, the initial reaction to Shaherkani's participation in the games had been fiercely divided.