Europe is dealing with all sorts of financial turmoil that is lapping up on our shores.
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Madrid is going through a period of political and financial turmoil not experienced in decades.
The ICA's recent past that has been most notable for in-fighting and financial turmoil.
Growth is slowing, because of the fall-out from the financial turmoil and the weakening American economy.
There is still plenty of potential for further such growth, despite the recent financial turmoil.
That, as with so much else at a time of financial turmoil, is mere speculation.
Miami's stable community makes it an attractive option for those who experience political and financial turmoil in Latin America.
And then molybdenum prices plummeted as the crippling trickle-down effects of the global financial turmoil hit the mining industry.
Asia's financial turmoil is beginning to make France's recovery look rather fragile after all.
But for how long can their economies remain immune to the present financial turmoil?
Those efforts suffered a severe blow in 1998-2002, when the region suffered financial turmoil and economic stagnation.
But over the past year and a half, financial turmoil overseas has put that growth at risk.
Based on past experience, people of limited to modest incomes continue to give to charities during periods of financial turmoil.
Like the churning of milk to make butter, the financial turmoil is separating Britain from the euro zone.
We think the U.S. is muddling through, not making a major shift in direction despite continuing financial turmoil.
Good housekeeping practices leave companies better prepared to handle financial turmoil, which is crucial during tough economic times.
The concern now is that the single currency is coming amid the worst financial turmoil since the 1930s.
Nor can Indonesia's economic malaise be blamed, since the Moluccas have been relatively unaffected by Asia's financial turmoil.
Tan made one fortune, in real estate and wedding-photo studios, and then lost it in the 1997 financial turmoil.
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We stressed that global financial turmoil and elevated commodity prices underscore the urgency for continued attention through policy coordination.
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It is less clear how consumers will react to the growing financial turmoil.
An even bigger problem is how the euro zone would prevent financial turmoil engulfing the euro zone's other weaker economies.
Heightened investor concerns about the credit quality of mortgages, especially subprime mortgages with adjustable interest rates, triggered the financial turmoil.
Threatening to withdraw desperately needed funds for Indonesia to repair its economy, wrecked in Asia's financial turmoil, is one possibility.
Politicians heading for the polls in other countries that are feeling the fall-out from global financial turmoil are watching carefully.
The car rental industry, with its close ties to airline traffic and hotel bookings, is particularly sensitive to cross-border financial turmoil.
Pope Benedict delivered a compassionate message, recognising that Africa suffers disproportionately from food shortages, poverty, financial turmoil and a changing climate.
He likes quick decisions: SAP was one of the first big firms to freeze costs after the financial turmoil in September.
But it also leans on them heavily to help fund the mortgage bailout, precisely at a time when they're experiencing financial turmoil.
Without such a policy it's guaranteed we'll continue to experience financial turmoil.