On Tuesday, the fire danger spiked with searing temperatures and single-digit humidity across Western states.
Forecasters predict that dry weather and fire danger in the region could continue into the Spring.
It'll take a few more wet years to reduce the fire danger on this high, desert landscape.
Much of Southern California was under red flag warnings for fire danger due to heat, wind and low humidity levels.
Moreover, the 1-5 scale used by the center to rate fire danger and preparedness was raised from 3 to 4.
"We need to get a really good handle on that fire before high fire danger conditions return, " said a Rural Fire Service (RFS) spokeswoman.
Before you set out, check with the ranger to make sure fires are allowed (sometimes it's too dry and the fire danger is too high).
More than 60 Colorado counties were forecast to move to moderate or low danger over the next week, although a few counties continue to experience high fire danger, the governor's office said.
So in September of 2008 George W. Bush spent vast sums of money and intervened in the economy when Walll Street caught fire and was in danger of burning down.
Rep. KLINE: Well, there's no one that doubts that the women that are serving now in Iraq and Afghanistan and who have served for the last decade and more in combat theaters are exposed to hostile fire and to great danger and they're serving well and bravely.
False alarms to fire and rescue crews are "draining" resources and increasing the risk of danger during real emergencies, fire brigades say.
Bush said the report recommends that hostile fire pay be more than the danger pay and that there be levels of imminent danger pay based on where service members are.
MSN: Pentagon recommends better pay for front-line troops - US news | NBC News
"The Night Watch" is the only picture in the gallery to have its own "escape slide, " designed in 1934, to allow it to be swiftly moved out of danger in case of fire, or other threats.
CNN: Rijksmuseum reborn: Rembrandt's 'Night Watch' explained
The ship was closed to the public in 2006 after it was considered "structurally in danger" and refurbished following a fire on 21 May 2007 which swept through it.
Fire officials did not believe there was any danger in responding to the initial call that seemed routine and dispatched the usual one engine and one ambulance to the house.
The danger is that the pools could catch fire, resulting in large releases of radiation.
He said that the tyres had been "a significant fire risk, putting residents and businesses nearby in danger".
At its height the timber-framed block of flats on Gershwin Road, Basingstoke, was "in danger of total collapse", a fire service spokesman said.
Such displays may fire up angry conservatives, but they are also in danger of repelling voters in the centre.
Lol Craven, from Cleveland Fire Brigade, said there was an increased risk of danger for staff at business premises that suffered regular false alarms.
Suppose you are like me, and once you fire up your laptop to check your email, you are in danger of spending the whole morning on the Net, doing increasingly useless things.
Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service chief officer John Bonney, current President of the Chief Fire Officers Association, attended the scene and issued a warning about the danger of timber framed buildings.
The military has begun to grapple with the mental and emotional strains endured by personnel who may never come face to face with a Taliban insurgent, never dodge a roadside bomb or take fire, but who nevertheless may be responsible for taking human lives or putting their colleagues in mortal danger.
"The danger is that with cuts to police budgets, police commissioners with the power to hire and fire police chiefs, this is really going to skew police resources in a political way, " she said.