Nearly 60 had to be taken to hospital and some 200 received medical treatment in make-shift first-aid tents.
He added that it did not have emergency medical treatment facilities such as ambulances or a first-aid station underground.
They rapidly set up first-aid clinics in three main centres, as well as a hospital in Rostaq, the centre of the earlier earthquake.
Each child has an individual first-aid kit and a protective mask.
The hospital can operate only "on a first-aid basis, " as the staff works without air conditioning or lights to care for about 250 patients, she said.
They ensure that each home has access to a bed net to protect the family from malaria, a pit toilet, first-aid training and other basic health and safety practices.
Alongside etiquette and deportment, the courses impart a smattering of self-esteem (public speaking, how to network) and common sense (first-aid, healthy eating), with one-hour sessions on chess, interior design and massage thrown in.
ECONOMIST: The new interest in etiquette crosses gender boundaries
Bring packaged snacks, wet wipes, Ziploc bags, a change of clothes, disposable rain ponchos, sunscreen, bug repellent, water bottles, a small first-aid kit, small toys, coloring books and glow-in-the-dark sticks and necklaces (which the parks sell at dusk but they charge a fortune).
After a year on the road as a technician - basically a driver qualified in first aid - the trainee paramedic gets just six weeks in the classroom, followed by a few week's experience in hospital. also offers tips on survival and advertisements for the needed gear -- from gas masks to first aid kits and hand-crank radios.
In Mrs Beeton's Book of Home Management, a best-seller for decades after it was first published in 1861, there is a chapter on first aid and home remedies - including a hot toddy cold treatment.
Not giving hands-on first aid but giving comfort, a bit of a chat and a laugh to the patients.
The coach of a teenage footballer from Wiltshire who suffered a cardiac arrest during a match wants all children to be taught life-saving first aid.
BBC: Quinton Barham's coach want first aid lessons in schools
Authorities, under fire for responding too slowly to two major earthquakes in 1999, said they had rushed mobile hospitals, prefabricated homes, food and blankets to the region and set up makeshift, open-air first aid posts to treat the injured.
We also delivered wheelchairs, medical cots and 1, 400 pounds of medical aid -- everything from cough and cold medicines to first aid supplies.
In April this year the Chinese government issued its first white paper on its foreign-aid programme.
ECONOMIST: Big developing countries are shaking up the world of aid
It is the first significant reduction in Europe-wide aid budgets for a decade.
The WFP fed 2m people in October, the first month of a large-scale aid project, but the figure is expected to rise to 5.1m by early 2009.
Smart phone applications such as Emergency Aid or In Case of Emergency (ICE) for the iPhone provide one-touch emergency contacts and first aid information in the event of an incident.
Experienced estate managers typically fetch six-figure salaries in return for a substantial skill set that spans everything from knowledge of fine food and wine to an understanding of art and architecture to skills in household accounting, personnel management, first aid, computers, high-tech security and HVAC systems.
FORBES: Modern-Day Downton Abbey: Inside The Super-Secret World Of Estate Management
Her head and her heart were really into Columbia as her first-choice school, even though she intended to apply for need-based financial aid.
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West Midlands Ambulance Service said its crews arrived at the scene to find two men, who are believed to be in their 40s, being given first aid by police officers and passers-by.
The publicly traded firm is the latest recipient of state aid under the so-called First Five program.
The inquest heard there were no witnesses and passers-by stopped to help and give first aid but realised he was already dead.
BBC: PC Andrew Bramma death: 'Error of judgement' led to crash
We soon became involved in the Christmas celebrations when Salvation Army leader Captain Eric Buchanan - having learnt about my former aid work on a council estate in Bath - drew me into the first of many Sally Christmases.
At home his family bandaged his bleeding head, and took him to the derelict local clinic which administered some first aid before sending him off to a better-equipped hospital in the holy town of Varanasi, some 70km (45 miles) away.
Early Wednesday morning, a Russian Ilyushin II-76 Candid cargo jet sent its first batch of humanitarian aid to Japan, the Russian Emergencies Ministry, EMERCOM, said.
America has a grand tradition of national planning, from Thomas Jefferson's vision for roads and canals in 1808, which influenced policy for the next century (and led to America's first transcontinental railway) to Dwight Eisenhower's Federal Highway-Aid Act of 1956, which created the interstate system.
With the outbreak of war in 1939, Ryder joined the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry and was subsequently attached to the newly-formed Special Operations Executive.