And our belief is based on the fundamental ethical precept of medicine is that we first do no harm.
You know, the dictum is - like it is in medicine - is you first do no harm when you get there.
As physicians and scientists, we must first do no harm as we seek ways to improve the health of the nation and world through biomedical research.
In this way, the MCM adheres to the Hippocratic Oath of development: first, do no harm.
In essence, they were recommending a high-tech Hippocratic oath: First, do no harm (to the Internet).
People are telling their stories of weight bias in medical care on websites like First, Do No Harm, This Is Thin Privilege and Obesity Surgery Gone Wrong.
Markel does point out that the phrase "first, do no harm" does not appear in the Hippocratic Oath, but says the spirit of a physician's profession remains straightforward.
They fear that by blurring the boundary between health and disease, DSM-V loses sight of a doctor's first duty: to do no harm.
"I would just say 'do no harm' is the first principle if you're healthy, " Mr. Kristol said in an interview.
One of the first rules in diplomacy--economic or otherwise--is to do no harm.