Just last month, the FOMC listed mid-2013 as the possible date for the first rate increase.
True, not all the titles are first rate, but the wonder is that so many actually are.
WSJ: Manufactured-on-Deman Movies for Intrepid Cineastes | By David Mermelstein
From the guides to the pilots to the safety briefing and gear, everything is totally first rate.
How will SAP make sure that the partners it chooses are first rate?
He also told assembly members that he had confidence in his deputy who was "doing a first rate job".
All the while maintaining first rate interaction with the information ecosystem around it.
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Skills Minister Matthew Hancock said of the Enhanced Renewal Grant that it was to "ensure" investment in "first rate facilities".
Special Offer: Research by Jim Stack of InvesTech shows that the first rate hike does not kill a bull market.
But by September it was clear that Apple was no longer maintaining first rate interaction with the information ecosystem.
FORBES: That Apple Reputation Problem - Did It Just Get Even Bigger?
This was the first rate cut since December 2008, when the global economy was staring over the edge of the abyss.
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This would create special competition in the private market focused on serving the sickest most in need of first rate health care.
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It is the Fed's first rate cut in four years and comes in the middle of a growing sense of crisis in financial markets.
Dr John Chisholm, Chairman of BMA's GP's Committee, said: "First rate family doctors feel their patients get a second rate NHS service - or worst".
An even number of respondents thought the first rate hike will either occur in the third quarter of 2011 or after the first quarter of 2012.
FORBES: AAII Survey: When Will The Fed Raise Interest Rates?
The lead is played by a British film star, Helen Mirren, the cast is uniformly excellent and Mr Hytner's work is first rate, as is Bob Crowley's set.
Having said that I want to share with you three (3) examples of recent creative work that I found to be first rate, top notch and downright entertaining.
Well, Mr Osborne insists the runners-up were all first rate.
It provides Americans from every corner of our country access to the first rate products and services that define our economy, increasing the productivity of our people and our land.
Since the first rate increase in June 2004, the Fed has talked softly and carried a little stick, hiking gingerly on the view that the recovery was fragile and might soon slow.
The sharp decline in the NAPM index in December gave an early indication of the slowdown, and was one of the factors that led the Fed to make its first rate cut in early January.
But I think from the first day, which will be a year tomorrow, we've been on the air with really thoroughly network quality and thoroughly first rate news that I think is politically straight up and journalistically really accurate and really ambitious.
On its face, it might apply to an employee who called in sick and then went to the ballgame--or even to a judge who used his office to get a first rate corner table in a restaurant for himself and his significant other.
In late January, the Reserve Bank of India cut its policy lending rate by a quarter of a percentage point--the first rate cut since April and the second in about four years--but said it had limited room to ease rates further given India's high inflation and wide current-account deficit.
Choosing somebody who is intellectually first-rate for the Supreme Court would be a good first step.
"Ireland are not a second-rate team, they are supposed to be a first-rate team, " insisted Trapattoni, who managed Italy from 2000 to 2004.