It began to flatten out, to melt into surrounding space, to attach itself to otherness.
Hong Kong's Hang Seng swung between gains and losses to flatten out at 21, 661.08.
The close Thursday was above the 20-day EMA which is just trying to flatten out.
China is showing strong signs that it will flatten out its consumption of fossil fuels.
If exports flatten out, Japan will have to rely more on domestic demand to drive growth.
The idea is to flatten out income so you can plan better and so taxes take less.
Institutions are also nervous, as very short-term T-bill rates have spiked, therefore causing the yield curve to flatten out.
The positron numbers then start to flatten out a possible sign that the hoped-for plunge in positron numbers could come next.
The tiny beads flatten out to form ten layers of sheets 15 microns thick, which are stacked and cooled to 100 degrees.
Built by NeuroSky and a Japanese partner, NecoMiMi is a set of catlike ears that perk up when the wearer's concentration intensifies, and flatten out when relaxed.
Per-capita numbers begin, in fact, to flatten out around 2003.
Yield on U.S. debt is just below 2% for the 10 year and likely to fall lower once the Fed starts buying long dated bonds to flatten out the curve.
Electric vehicles may play a key role as well, as high capacity batteries could ultimately serve to provide regulating capacity, absorbing or supply power back to the grid to flatten out some of the intermittency associated with windpower.
FORBES: Denmark: 1,000 Megawatts Of Offshore Wind, And No Signs of Slowing Down
In the company's 1998 annual report, as Glenn Reynolds of the bond analyst firm CreditSights points out, it predicted that the growth of its health care costs would flatten at 5% by 2004.