Thousands of people, mainly members of the stateless Rohingya Muslim minority, fled their homes and remain displaced.
At least 12, 000 Muslims are thought to have fled their homes in the unrest since then.
About 200, 000 people fled their homes after fighting resumed in the area in late August.
Residents fled their homes, and traffic jams soon appeared, as people sought higher ground.
And some Iraqis who fled their homes are now trying to return to the Iraqi capital.
In the wake of the violence, tens of thousands of Kashmiris fled their homes.
In 2008, 100, 000 civilians have fled their homes, many not for the first time.
Local papers said as many as 3, 000 people fled their homes out of fear of violence.
Some 500, 000 people have fled their homes since a rebellion by M23 rebels began in April last year.
An additional 2.7 million people fled their homes because of fighting among rebels, government forces and allied militias.
Thousands of villagers there fled their homes, some through the forest to Panama.
ECONOMIST: Out by Panama��s front door, in through the back?
Thousands of Gazans are reported to have fled their homes, despite the dangers of moving around outdoors in the territory.
At least 2, 000 people have fled their homes in Michoacan state, in western Mexico, amid several days of fighting between gangs.
Between them they supply food and water to some 1.5 million people who have fled their homes during the six-year conflict.
Many middle-class Syrians fled their homes with some money to support themselves.
Tens of thousands of people fled their homes in search of food.
The UN says nearly 80, 000 people have been killed since the uprising against President Assad began in March 2011, and millions have fled their homes.
Thousands of people are reported to have fled their homes on both sides of the border after the fighting broke out on Friday.
In an ensuing rampage, dozens of churches were burned, tens of thousands of Christians fled their homes, and at least 20 people died.
The UN says an estimated two million Syrian civilians have now been affected by the crisis and more than one million have fled their homes.
The first suburb to be handed over, Vogosca, was rapidly evacuated in the days preceding the handover last week as Serb residents fled their homes.
Clashes in the past week have added several thousand Kosovars to the 200, 000-plus who have fled their homes since the strife began a year ago.
But many Christians have fled their homes because of the violence.
UN's refugee agency, pointed out that no organisation is responsible for the security of people who have fled their homes but not crossed a border.
The President acknowledged the generosity of the Turkish people in hosting so many Syrians who have fled their homes in search of safety in Turkey.
Last week some 45, 000 people fled their homes in Gitega province adding to the 10, 000 who were reportedly displaced by the fighting two weeks ago.
Win Htein said 1, 200 Muslim families at least 6, 000 people have fled their homes and taken refuge at a stadium and a police station.
Nkunda's forces launched an offensive, and an estimated 250, 000 people have fled their homes amid the fighting, which also has drawn in militias allied with the government.
CNN: U.N.: Gunmen kill woman while trying to rape girl at camp
The night she was caught, he ran away to Mali's distant capital, becoming one of an estimated 385, 000 people who have fled their homes from the north.
More than 400, 000 Ivorians have fled their homes, three-quarters of them from Abidjan, the country's once shinily prosperous commercial capital, most of them in the past few weeks.