It's so close you almost have to flip a coin, but for me, Serena is serving incredibly well.
Once more - undecided people, please just flip a coin already.
When you flip a coin, for instance, you know that the odds are that half the time heads will come up and half the time tails.
Meanwhile, Klitschko said he would flip a coin with his brother to decide who will fight Britain's WBA champion David Haye, if Klitschko defeats Sosnowski and Haye defeats John Ruiz on 3 April.
The probability of a tie (or, if the voter count is odd, a one-vote margin) would be the probability that when you flip a coin 5.2 million times you get exactly 2.6 million heads and 2.6 million tails.
Here is the setup of these studies: Take people who have just had something very bad happen to them, like a motor vehicle accident or a rape, and within a few hours or a day or two at most, flip a coin and put half these people on a beta blocker and half on an inactive substance that looks the same (i.e. placebo).
Which counsellor will represent which side will then be determined by the accused or by a flip of a coin.
But for other men, the ability of the PSA test to detect prostate cancer is slightly better than the flip of a coin.
WSJ: Are PSA Tests a Good Idea for Screening Men for Prostate Cancer?
It's a real coin flip as to what direction this goes for a paper like the Los Angeles Times, long one of the bellwethers of print journalism.
Gino found this out by determining the price of advice through a coin flip.
At the beginning of the game, they ask DeWitt to call a coin flip.
FORBES: An Attempt to Understand BioShock Infinite's Brilliant and Bizarre Ending
Adventurous gamblers might prefer a broker to a bookie, but they are probably better off just betting on a coin flip.
Investors also made a big bet against European stocks last year and that region finished ahead of all other regions, including the U.S. And when it comes to timing the U.S. stock market, the experts are less accurate than a coin flip.
Cheney will answer the first question, a decision made by coin flip.
"On one hand, it gets you a lot of distribution, content and brands in front of a wider audience ... the flip side of the coin is why is Google News doing very well on the back of other people's investment, " Matthews said.
The flip side of the coin - the bull market - is when a market sees a long term, persistent uptrend, lasting anything from a few months to years.
This is almost like flipping a coin with heads you win, tails you get a second flip.
On the flip side of the coin, when was the last time Google subjected itself to a media interview?
The flip side of the coin is that some scientists are not immune to overhyping findings for a little extra ink.
FORBES: Why Scientists and Journalists Don't Always Play Well Together
On a consistent basis, some 80 to 85% of the people in the room choose to flip the coin.