So why did Bear Stearns' bankers allegedly hold their noses and flog all this disgusting stuff?
Clothes shops will start selling the drip-dry, non-iron stuff they flog in the rich world.
Rather than trying to sell them more hardware, he developed new services to flog to them.
It will not be enough merely to flog products and services, no matter how individualised they are.
Now the country's research analysts have a platform from which to flog penny mining stocks and moose pastures.
Leverage ahead: Chirico wants to pair his shirt and tie salespeople in department stores to flog both products.
Getting boatmakers to flog Sea Tow memberships to buyers isn't an easy sell.
Motion-sensitive HSS emitters can flog Doritos on one end of the snack aisle and hawk Cracker Jack on the other.
Keith, who played snobbish aristocrat Audrey fforbes-Hamilton in the sitcom To The Manor Born, will be joined by Flog It!
It doesn't hurt that many banks and brokerage firms have started to flog policies, too, some of them on the Web.
The firm, which has been operating in South Africa since 1996, is coy about how many people flog its wares there.
With the spinners struggling, it was left to them to flog what they could out of a moribund surface in hot and humid conditions.
Representatives of Stranmillis University College have been advised to find an alternative to a merger with Queen's University "rather than flog a dead horse".
Investment bankers have been hired to flog other banks and utilities.
Predictably, the record company have decided to cash in by using it as the carrot to flog Nirvana's back catalogue to the fans who should already own it.
These would have been cut by even more had the companies not persuaded the rating agencies to hold fire while they try to flog any assets they can.
There are also those in the wings with another product to flog: a foreign-exchange derivative which, because it is a bet settled for cash, also reduces Herstatt risk.
Flog the Ferrari 575 M as hard as you can on an ordinary road, and what you realize pretty quickly is that you're not flogging it at all.
But this plan foundered and in recent years his primary managerial efforts have been focused on trying to flog the company to various buyers through one unsuccessful scheme after another.
Here at Mixed Signals when we get a lot of comments on a post we like to stick with the topic (or, depending on your point of view, flog it to death).
For retail banks, which rely heavily on customers' inertia, branding is usually of a more defensive nature: a good brand keeps customers and might help banks to flog more products to them.
ECONOMIST: Banks are trying to develop better brands. About time too
But that is not the massive obstacle to a sale (because any new owner would presumably take steps to flog other things to the 3m to 5m customers that bank with those branches).
The programme, presented by Penelope Keith and Flog It's Paul Martin, will show different rooms in the house restored to four distinct periods in the house's history - Tudor, Jacobean, Georgian and Victorian.
As it is, airlines that want simply to use Boeing aircraft will still go on doing so, but at least Airbus now has a chance to flog them a new product which could outperform Boeing's ageing jumbo technology.
To the latter, many of whom work in the book industry, Mansbach displayed a lack of graciousness in mocking the resources being used to flog his book at a time when those resources are increasingly in short supply for other authors.
FORBES: Book Tours: Hell or Helpful? Author's Snark Ignites Debate
Well, okay, they likely hire some huge fee-commanding agency to do the heavy lifting for them, but either way it's nice to see large resources funding interesting ideas, even if really it's just to flog you a car or a soda.
ENGADGET: Alt-week 9.22.12: Quantum Scotch tape, moving walls and scientific beer
"Companies seek a listing not just because they can flog their shares at a high price after a few fantastic years of profit but because listing gives them the ability to raise capital efficiently and cheaply, " says Jonathan Dutton, an analyst for brokerage SBC Warburg Securities in Seoul.