Sometimes overstocked products would flood out shelf space for understocked ones, which, in turn, wouldn't get reordered.
The World Food Programme has warned that up to 1.5 million Afghans could flood out of the country in search of food.
Each morning as the sun comes up, the gates are opened and the children flood out literally by the thousands to begin that long walk home.
These changes have caused money to flood out of life-insurance companies and, to a lesser extent, trust banks, into investment advisory firms, attracted by their better performance.
In Oxfordshire, council workers have been busy pumping flood water out of drains and putting temporary flood defences in place.
Should this not arrive, or flood back out, the zloty could plummet.
He rode out the storm on the roof of a transport truck after the wind and flood jerked him out of his shoes.
The flood damage knocked out websites and forced telecoms carriers to reroute international traffic.
Drake used her builder husband to carry out flood damage repair work around the country - even though he was not on Norwich Union's list of accredited contractors.
Mr. MASINO: Some seen at their grandparents' house in Louisiana and the parents is here but can't get ahold of them because the flood had washed out that house or the children picked up and brought to another shelter in a different state.
His two sons and their families fret about his decision to ride out the flood.
The homes around Hayes' trailer sit empty, but as he waits out the flood, he is hardly alone.
Responsibility for flood protection is spread out among local, state and federal governments.
She says she's exhausted from the challenge of trying to bust students out of flood-ravaged areas, hire staff, and deliver meals to schools without functioning kitchens.
Las Vegas, Nevada (CNN) -- Anyone who's even peeked at the Internet over the past few days has likely noticed the flood of technology news out of Las Vegas.
On Monday, Joanne Sherwood from Environment Agency Wales said they had teams out checking the flood defences ahead of the expected heavy rain.
And many programs that give out aid to flood victims or people displaced in fighting in the tribal areas also require an ID card.
At first the Army Corps of Engineers said they thought the storm surge had overtopped the concrete flood walls, washing them out from behind.
He singled out Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood, who moved to sue insurance companies for not paying out claims for flood damage caused by Katrina.
But they may not be able to stem the flood of illicit gems pouring out of Zimbabwe, to be snapped up in Bahrain, China, India and Lebanon, among others.
Fargo has purchased about 550 houses in low-lying areas since the 1970s to take them out of the flood plain or make room for levees, said Mayor Dennis Walaker.
"It's extremely frustrating, " said Dr. Frank Minyard, given that so many dentists' offices were wiped out in the flood along with their dental records, which are commonly used in the identification process.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency told Congress on Tuesday the flood insurance program was nearly out of money to compensate storm victims and required new authority to borrow more money to meet its obligations.
And while towns fortify beaches and dunes and put up sea walls, rock barriers or even sand-filled fabric tubes to guard against future storms, state governments are readying hundreds of millions of dollars to buy out homeowners in flood-prone areas who want to leave.
The Tigers trailed 17-16 at half-time, Toby Flood's early try cancelled out by tries from Danny Care and George Lowe.
The operation was successfully carried out on patient Paddy Flood from Derby.
The reasoning was that, since flood victims expected to be bailed out by the government anyway, they might as well pay up front.
Mozambican Foreign Minister Leonardo Simao warned that the rain of the past 48 hours could cause rivers to burst again and re-flood areas just beginning to dry out.
The minister underlined the importance of integrated flood warning and responses and a set out a timetable for these procedures to be reviewed.