Certainly, the Tea Party has made spending restraint the focus point of all political debates.
So it should be no surprise that the Microsoft private cloud will be a core focus point for the show.
The data is one area that will be a focus point.
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He said the coalition government was looking to "move towards the establishment of a UK National CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team)", to act as a "focus point for international sharing of technical information".
There will be an emphasis on playing defense, while the offense will focus around the point guard.
With the Full-area Touch AF, it is possible to set focus on any point in the field of view which yields quick and intuitive focusing operation with free frame composition.
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Our eyes are used to converging on the same spot we're focusing on, but stereoscopic screens force our eyes to focus on a point several inches in front of the convergence point.
According to Andrew Light of Salomon Smith Barney, an investment bank, it made sense to focus on profitable point-to-point business and full-fare economy traffic, rather than boost market share with transfer passengers flying on cheap tickets.
The single most important data point to focus on is the number of iPhone sales.
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The point is focus in a time when mobile technology is dramatically and quickly changing the computing world, said Holzle.
The report would establish a custody profile for broker-dealers that examiners could use as a starting point to focus their custody examinations.
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The mobile platform is an important point of focus for Yahoo!
The number of reasons why are staggering, namely: a failure to focus, no competitive point of difference, and weak brand images and identities, to name just a few.
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Such are the questions left to the experts at Caltech, which have just concocted a new device that can focus light to a point just a few nanometers wide.
Bank of America (NASDAQ:BAC) was the focus on the Price Point Sheet and Off the Charts newsletters last week and then JP Morgan (NYSE:JPM) played some catch up on Friday.
It is "missing the point" to focus on that, said Chris Daniels, head of London 2012 for Lloyds.
While sales were decent for the device, the price point, hardcore focus and lack of killer app games have failed to replicate the mainstream success of Nintendo DSi.
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In every sector, innovative tech companies make their way into the value chain, focus on the most strategic point (usually client or user relationship), collect data, and leverage it to siphon off the profit margins from entire industries.
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His point was that focus should be on content, not the quick buck, and though there are a few gems to be found there, the vast majority of these titles are cranked out on an assembly line, and littered with costly additions where players pay to earn virtual items with no real value.
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And whether Apple or Nintendo runs focus groups is really beside the point.
At French business school INSEAD, EMBA course directors point to an international focus as a common characteristic held by participants.
The point is when you focus on the important financial issues, you have a chance to meet your financial goals.
Before becoming a senator, Edwards was a personal injury trial lawyer, another point that has been a focus of GOP attack.
McCullough's point was that students should focus less on being seen as special and instead understand that living life is special in and of itself.
Unless of course, you also point out that a companies focus on these quarterly numbers and what Wall street thinks, could be what is holding them back.
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Today was very much an agreement that this report is an important new data point that we need to focus on and work together to maintain international unity.