SlowShutter (99 cents): This camera app for iOS lets you fool around with light, blurring images on purpose.
This includes a priceless one on whether journalists, who are usually "contemptuous of bourgeois morality", should "fool around in the office".
BBC: Vinod Mehta memoir a rare and salacious Indian tell-all
He told me, for example, that his father drilled it into his head to save his money and not fool around with women.
Because investor dollars now roam the planet at the speed of light, central bankers can't fool around with money supplies the way they used to.
There is not a single software producer among its early customers, suggesting that hackers will be able to fool around for some time to come.
Being able to point to an increased tax rate for the wealthiest Americans would help to cushion the blow and the blowback likely to result from the administration agreeing to fool around with Medicare.
Mr. ANTHONY HAMILTON (Musician): There's a proper time and place for everything, and once you put so much time into it, you'd be a fool to turn around and walk away from it, 'cause I tasted it.
Prior to retirement, the focus is on wealth accumulation, but when retirement rolls around a fool-proof plan must be devised to ensure accumulated wealth is effectively managed to finance the entire retirement.
The second your audience sees you reading words from a PowerPoint slide, you become nothing more than a little man pushing knobs around trying to fool people.
Besides being expensive, they aren't really going to fool buyers, who will surely drive around the neighborhood before making an offer.
In a recent piece on Nokia I pointed out a lot of astroturfing around the company on investor sites like Motley Fool, Barrons and Forbes.
FORBES: Do You Believe Google or Microsoft, RIM or Nokia? An End of Year Reflection
Speaking on the programme Terry Smith, chief executive of Tullett Prebon, added that many investors around the world are "living in a fool's paradise", expecting regulatory bodies or governments to bail them out if things go wrong.