It would appear that you need to get approval for each piece of such technology that is moved offshore.
You earn three points for the first three pieces linked, and one more for each piece added on after that.
It is then an easy matter of calculating the electricity bill for each piece of equipment by the day, month or year.
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The self-taught tailor says he has a character or archetype in mind for each piece -- the hunter, the gentleman -- but he acknowledges that he's designing for himself.
Micro Dimming Ultimate, available on the LED ES8000, analyzes the picture in hundreds of pieces to optimize the LED backlight and video signal for each piece in real time.
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The reason that this was such an important decision becomes clear when you consider how hard it is to develop Apps for each different piece of mobile hardware and wireless service provider (WSPs).
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It is also possible to customise the settings for each and every piece of information posted to Facebook to reflect who you think should see it.
This must reassure owners that dividing the pie equally can still leave an enormous piece for each of them.
He employs two wigmakers who work for several weeks on each piece, which can range in style from what he describes as "all frizzy" wigs to others that consist of a series of fat, sausage-roll curls.
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During the day, she helped her mother bake bread in a mud oven, selling each puffy piece for 50 francs (10 cents).
The council has already created a memorial in a play area in nearby Tennyson Street where a piece of equipment has been named for each of the six children.
The business model was simple: a website that rented high-end jewelry for special occasions at a fraction of the retail value of each piece.
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Mapping out the proper steps for each is not possible, and physicians have been skeptical that a piece of paper with a bunch of little boxes would improve matters much.
Players are forced into making decisions on each piece of gear, and how the cards associated with each piece will synergize with the rest of the deck, both for that individual character and the rest of the party.
Bridgestone became known for making the "thinking man's bicycle" because each ad spotlighted a different piece of equipment instead of a racing finish.
Each had carefully researched the piece and felt it would be an essential component for their permanent collection.
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Sometimes that was just a piece of bread with margarine, a small portion that caused the starving prisoners to attack each other for extra shares, Avital said.