Investing in green measures and green technology is actually good for the economy because a green economy is an incredibly labour intensive economy.
There was "strong support for the green economy", he argued, which represented "a major achievement, recognising that in the long term greening our economies should not conflict with growing them".
Given the 9% unemployment rate in the U.S., the fact that dollar-for-dollar the green economy produces more jobs than traditional development makes it a no-brainer.
Britain's leaders have been promising a green economy for many years but Germany, Denmark, the US - and now increasingly China and India - are taking a market lead.
The Organization plays a strategic role in training for careers related to the green economy and renewable energy.
This conference will bring together policy-relevant lessons from recent research by UNRISD, UNESCO and ISSC, and focuses on the existing gaps and barriers that need to be overcome in order for the social dimensions of green economy to be better integrated into green economy decision-making.
UNESCO: Detailview | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
For example, the Department of Labor set aside funds for green jobs and job training for high growth sectors of the economy specifically targeted to communities affected by the automotive downturn, and the Department of Commerce provided funds specifically for automotive communities to develop plans for economic recovery.
Some of the key areas highlighted included marine biodiversity conservation, ocean acidification, marine pollution, and the required investment in science and capacity development for transitioning to a blue-green economy.
The event, held in Kaliningrad (Russian Federation) on 23-24 October 2012 within the 9th Russian-German Days on Ecology, was organized within the overall framework of UNESCO Man and Biosphere (MAB) Programme, with a view to promote thematic, regional, sub-regional, national and local networks for delivery of outcomes as well as for innovating new and green linkages between economy, society and the environment.
Is the White House trying to push more of a green economy -- caulking for cash, and things of that nature?
Stephen Levy, director of the Center for Continuing Study of the California Economy, sees green technology beginning to take hold in the Golden State.
The problem arises when actions in other domains ignore or misunderstand that water underpins the entire green economy, and that without planning for good management of freshwater resources the entire movement is put at risk.
She was proposing a motion calling on the executive to make the development of the green economy a priority within the next programme for government.
"Finally getting the green light from Brussels will mean a huge boost for the British economy, " she said.
Structural funding is seen as vital for supporting projects to boost the region's economy, like green energy and other infrastructure schemes including road improvement.
Firms apply for more employment based green cards and temporary high skilled work visas when the economy is thriving.
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The Green Book, produced by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), says that in evaluating plug-in hybrids, it considers both the emissions from the gas engine and from the power plants that feed the grid.
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Mr. GREEN: What happens in China is fundamentally much more important for the world economy than even a couple of years ago.
In fact, the green economy could soon become the nation's fastest-growing job segment, accounting for roughly 10% of new jobs over the next 20 years.
Mr Rennie said Lib Dems in the UK government were working to get the economy back on track, including tax cuts for low and middle-income families, a green investment bank and an island fuel discount.
If the economy is good with low energy prices, on the other hand, there is diminished demand for going green.