In emerging markets such as China Japanese products are considered either over-engineered for the budgets of ordinary people, or lacking the baubles that delight the new rich.
And so the ability for just ordinary people in organizations to start something, to experiment, I think that thing is going up.
FORBES: How Big Companies Inhibit Employee Creativity: Gary Hamel at Techonomy 2011 (Video)
In the consumer-driven market for classified advertising, for instance, ordinary people instinctively grasped the efficiencies of online sites such as Craigslist, thus causing a drop in classified revenues at newspapers.
The new pontiff, the first from Latin America, has called for the Roman Catholic Church to be closer to ordinary people, especially the poor and disadvantaged.
BBC: Pope Francis to wash feet of prisoners in pre-Easter Mass
But Mr Lewis claimed the UK government was "coming for ordinary Welsh people" and of setting out to "make the poor pay the most" for the banking crisis.
Those who kill journalists must be brought to justice, lest fear paralyze both the media and the ordinary people who rely on professional journalists for the news and analysis that inform their political choice.
"The American people overwhelmingly voted last year for a change in our national priorities to put the interests of ordinary people ahead of the greed of Wall Street and the wealthy few, " Sanders said then, explaining his action.
Members of the Occupy London Stock Exchange (OLSX) group have been outside the cathedral since 15 October and are protesting against cuts, saying ordinary people should not pay for the financial crisis.
The result is that QE3 raises the cost of living for ordinary people, even while IOR holds down NGDP, and therefore employment and wages.
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And they show the world that ordinary people in the Middle East want the same things for their children that we want for ours -- a decent life and a peaceful future.
For ordinary people interested in flexing the power of the Internet, this means the fun has just begun.
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As the drama fades, the mundane misery of life for ordinary people continues.
Reporter Richard Watson said that, in general terms, it was not out of the ordinary for the security service to approach people for information or even to act as covert sources.
Jenin is a rare place in the Arab world where ordinary people have a good word for Tony Blair, whose visits as envoy for the Quartet (the EU, Russia, the UN and the United States) put the city on the map.
Although the 1960s might seem to have been an exhilarating time for France, there is little evidence that most ordinary French people shared the Gaullist view of history, destiny and all that.
One of the most important benefits is the increase in choice and autonomy for ordinary people.
He has called for the Roman Catholic Church to be closer to ordinary people, especially the poor and disadvantaged.
Labour say the legislation will make it harder for ordinary people to seek justice because of a decision to scrap no-win, no-fee cases.
Until recently this was a worry only for the super-rich, but now many ordinary people fear that, thanks to rising house prices, they may be dragged into paying death duties.
Mr Blair wants better public health and education for ordinary people, and fewer policies that benefit the privileged.
They should not move into an area unless they are confident that they have the resources and the will to stay and make life better for ordinary people.
They spoke and marched and toiled and bled shoulder-to-shoulder with ordinary people who burned with the same hope for a brighter day.
Others feel that for many ordinary people, Mr Hazare remains a potent symbol of the fight against corruption.
Pharmaceutical companies devise new drugs for the conditions it defines, lawyers use it to sue doctors, ordinary people use it to diagnose themselves.
But they also get so much praise for doing things that ordinary people just do look at the gooey rapture over seeing the Yankees assemble as a team in the back of Rivera's news conference, as if it was some grand act, and not basic, expected human courtesy for a teammate.
Businessmen, politicians and ordinary people across the poor world often blame western moneymen for their ills.
And my number-one priority has been to not only grow the economy but also make sure that that translates into opportunities for ordinary people.
Under the project title "500 Wants You, " the hitherto inward-looking manufacturer invited ordinary people to submit ideas for designs on its Web site.
The decision to proceed would rest with the Afghan Government, but in meetings with government officials and ordinary people alike in Afghanistan he says he found widespread support for the idea.