Customer service and quality gained the upper hand over low pricing, and Waitrose and Sainsbury's emerged as the preferable destination for the growing middle-class segment.
General Musharraf will no doubt say that a strong presidency and a constitutional role for the army are preferable to lurching from democracy to dictatorship and back, as Pakistan has done throughout its 54-year history.
And it would certainly be preferable for the government to adopt all of the Neill proposals than to delay legislation or dilute the recommendations which cause it difficulty.
In fact, for the single viewer it might even be preferable to TV for certain kinds of shows.
If and when they do, there is a chance DC could become the preferable current for long distance.
Because of the precise movements required especially at the later levels of gameplay, iPad is the preferable platform for Cling!
"Various options were looked at for the Ransomes Business Park land to see whether it would be preferable to sell it or use it for alternative purposes, where possible maximising revenue for the constabulary, " Mr Clayton said.
Through the United Nations would be our preferable vehicle for that, and therefore we would look to the U.N. as a forum for evaluating that option.
Here is a spreadsheet that I have put together that illustrates why a long-term bond is preferable for Ireland to the current promissory note arrangements.
FORBES: How Much Would Ireland Benefit from Replacing the Promissory Notes with a Long-Term Bond?
"We consider this preferable not only for the institution but for the welfare of the individual student, as it prevents dropouts and disruption part way through a course, " he said.
"We consider this preferable not only for the institution but for the welfare of the individual student, as it prevents drop-outs and disruption part way through a course", a spokesman said.
As mentioned above, Bullard did say QE is a more direct, and preferable way, for the Fed to act (given nominal rates in the zero range and forward guidance as the other major tool), but said he sees asset purchases affecting labor markets in the same way as interest rate moves.
FORBES: Fed's Bullard Says He's Ready To Increase QE As Inflation Is 'Too Low'
Others will see the confinements of my diet as depressing, but for me they are delicacies that are far preferable to the too-often-required clear liquid diet.
CNN: Living with Crohn's disease: 'Today I will fight again'
The answer for most people is that paying it off slowly is preferable, particularly given the low interest rate.
FORBES: How Much Would Ireland Benefit from Replacing the Promissory Notes with a Long-Term Bond?
In the short-term, then, it may be preferable to create a Sub-Unified Command for the continent within the European Command ? where much expertise on Africa is currently housed ? while working to relocate in theater in the longer-term.
In sum, the past for which Americans pine was far from perfect, and probably not even preferable to the America of today.
For couples, it's preferable that the higher earner delay taking Social Security as long as possible.
It would be preferable for legislators to clean up the mess created by their predecessors.
And it wouldn't surprise me if other MPs found the job of Police Commissioner for their area preferable to backbench life.
And in general, I'd say that the current, somewhat confusing system is preferable to the older practice of subagency, because it allows for more flexibility.
For McGaughey, being the favorite in the Preakness is preferable to coming in as the long shot.
Many luxury buyers will always associate prefab with low-end, homogeneous slabs and, for them, building a home from scratch is the preferable route.
" Dobson has written a letter to his supporters saying, "I believe a Republican meltdown is preferable to enabling the present disregard for the moral agenda to continue.
For us, it's still preferable to placing the buttons along the top edge-- especially on a bigger-screened device like the Eluga.
While it would certainly be preferable for major shifts in health care to be the result of thoughtful and well-researched strategy, there are potential unintended positive results of new ACA policies that align incentives such that it no longer makes sense for employers to purchase expensive insurance plans on behalf of employees.
FORBES: Employers Dropping Health Care Coverage Could Benefit Health Care Quality and Cost
Voluntary subscription is also preferable to the compulsory, universal variety that pays for the BBC and other European public broadcasters.
The community council says the local school is already full and housing for elderly people would be preferable.
But Barnardo's says the introduction of new technology is a preferable option to proposals for Sarah's Law, which would allow parents to learn of registered sex offenders living in their area.
Industry groups, though, maintain that self-regulation is preferable to government requirements for a fast-changing, global medium like the Internet.
Nonetheless it modestly serves the interests of both parties and is greatly preferable to having no mechanism for supervision and verification.
FORBES: Obama's Reset is a Modest Foreign Policy Success, Not a Looming Disaster