On the other hand, due to the high oil prices and the bursting of real estate bubble, the USA economy is recently giving strong signals of a forthcoming stagflation: a recession with increasing inflation rate.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Russia extends a helping hand to Chavez
Meanwhile, it has been reported that Afghan President Hamid Karzai will use a forthcoming international conference to publish a blueprint for the withdrawal of international troops by 2014.
BBC: Afghanistan aid spending boost expected to be announced
As the team reports in a forthcoming issue of Langmuir, a journal devoted to the study of colloids, the new technique allows them to build composite materials with custom-designed features as tiny as the diameter of a human hair.
ECONOMIST: A new way to build complicated materials, micron by micron
That requires company cooperation--unlikely to be forthcoming when a company is in trouble--or a whistle-blower.
Chief executive Daniel Bradbury seemed forthcoming on a conference call last night.
"There is no guarantee that any transaction will be forthcoming and a further announcement will be made in due course if appropriate, " BA said in a statement.
And in a forthcoming book, How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed, he offers the most advanced explanation to date for how our brains work.
FORBES: Kurzweil at Techonomy: Artificial Intelligence Is Empowering All of Humanity
The breatbeat duo's 12-track album, slated for a late April early May release, is also set to feature last year's download single Thou Shalt Always Kill, previous single The Beat That My Heart Skipped and forthcoming single A Look For The Woman.
He also has a forthcoming book, The Daring Spectacle, a collection of his columns.
No, argues David Moss, an economist at Harvard Business School, in a forthcoming book: the benefits of putting a ceiling on the potential losses faced by shareholders far outweighed the cost of a slightly higher risk of debt default.
Or so says David Eichler, lead author of a forthcoming Astrophysical Journal Letters paper positing that a sun-grazing comet roughly the size of Hale-Bopp (with a nucleus some 30 kms in diameter), could trigger cosmic ray-generating shockwaves large enough to initiate a global electromagnetic Armageddon.
FORBES: Sun-Grazing Comets As Triggers For Electromagnetic Armageddon
In a forthcoming article for Urban Affairs Review, a trio of researchers took survey data on local policies from nearly 300 California municipalities and ran it against foreclosure figures, a decade later. (You can find an earlier version of the paper here (PDF).) Cities that implemented slow growth or anti-growth policies in the late 1990s saw significantly fewer foreclosures between 2008 and 2009, the torrential center of the housing crisis.
FORBES: Slow Growth In Cities May Have Minimized Foreclosures
Transcripts of their remarks will appear in a forthcoming edition of National Security Policy Proceedings , a quarterly journal of opinion published by the Center for Security Policy Press and available in paperback at Amazon.com.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Allen West, Doug Feith & Caroline Glick
In a forthcoming issue of Tree Physiology, Paul Schaberg, a researcher working for the United States Department of Agriculture in Vermont, and his colleagues, will report the results of their experiments with sugar maples.
News that a forthcoming software update will allow the Vita to act as a PS3 controller may help counter the appeal of Nintendo's Wii U touchscreen Gamepad controller and Microsoft's Smartglass service, which pairs the Xbox with a tablet.
Adobe has held a bit of a lead there with Dreamweaver, now part of its Creative Suite, and a number of SAAS options like Business Catalyst and forthcoming Muse (a code name).
FORBES: Apple Takes Aim at Adobe with Patents for Responsive Device Targeted Content Creation Tools
In a forthcoming study of voters undertaken after the recent presidential elections, Nonna Mayer, a professor at Sciences Po, argues that the increase in support for the National Front can almost entirely be put down to a shift in the allegiance of working-class women.
But, as a forthcoming article in the McKinsey Quarterly points out, combine the perils of shiftworking with a jumble of cultures and you have a recipe for disaster.
The results, which will be reported in a forthcoming issue of Functional Ecology, suggest that echelon swimming is the underwater equivalent to carrying a child.
ECONOMIST: Another reason why infant dolphins need their mothers
In the course of replying to a question on planning he wished the best of luck to Mike Nesbitt in the forthcoming election for a new UUP leader.
The New York Times on Friday published an account of the U.S. cyberattack operation in an excerpt from a forthcoming book by one of its reporters, David Sanger, that he said he has been working on for a year.
Finally, Apple announced a forthcoming device called iTV, available next year, that among other things, will be able to transmit video from a computer to a living room television screen.
FORBES: How Long Have Apple Critics Said They Can't Innovate For? Six Years
As the researchers report in a forthcoming issue of Physical Review Letters, they managed to hold significant numbers of isolated rubidium atoms in place by shining a laser beam on to an array of microscopic lenses.
They will even have a chance to design an album sleeve for a band's forthcoming release or to plug a favourite record in playing the role of a disc-jockey.
Ford thinks it may have a hit on its hands with its forthcoming Edge crossover, a sleek car-based and relatively fuel-efficient sport utility.
Details of the discovery will be published in a forthcoming issue of the Astrophysical Journal.
Bergen is currently writing a book about "homegrown" terrorism, which HBO is basing a forthcoming film on.
Finkelstein will lay out this argument in a forthcoming article in the North Carolina Medical Journal.
The study will be published in a forthcoming issue of the Journal of Consumer Research.
FORBES: Study: Why Trusting Your Feelings Makes You a Better Future Predictor
Full details of the hows and whys will be presented at a forthcoming conference in Edinburgh.
ENGADGET: Google simulates the human brain with 1000 machines, 16000 cores and a love of cats