Both fortifying and tasty, these tartines are simple pleasures worthy of a little lost restraint.
The drink has been delighting, calming and fortifying humans since before the beginning of recorded time.
Yet for a Social Democratic party traditionally wedded to fortifying the welfare state, they constitute a mini-revolution.
The maps are preliminary, but FEMA officials said they will be useful in rebuilding and fortifying flooded areas.
Common responses include handing out vitamin pills and fortifying common foods with micronutrients (such as putting iodine in salt).
ECONOMIST: How much can farming really improve people��s health?
But its fortifying magic works wonders to combat moisture-free air and hat head.
These had been established, in 1850, by a physician named William Penny Brookes, as a means of fortifying British manhood.
After fortifying the sacred Imam Ali mosque, he swore to fight to the death against the infidel and his local stooges.
Fortifying the food handed out by the PDS would be an economical and effective way to lower rates of anaemia and increase nutrition.
Threats and ranting from Washington risk merely fortifying hard-line opponents of change in China at a time when slowing growth has put its leaders on the defensive.
That hope was dashed as Christmas approached, however, when fighting began again as the Serbs launched another offensive in response to the KLA fortifying new positions.
Before the French built the first levees 250 years ago, the Mississippi dumped 200 million tons of silt a year into the delta, consistently fortifying the land.
More than half the women of childbearing age in India are anaemic a condition that can be much improved by fortifying food and 30% of Indian children are born underweight.
Those preparations involve not only fortifying Israel's home front.
For years, Brazil and neighbors sought to reduce dependence on the U.S. by fortifying local industries and nurturing a regional market to supply each other with everything from energy to washing machines.
This week, we rededicate ourselves to fortifying civil rights in America, while reaffirming that all people around the world should live free from the threat of extrajudicial killing, torture, oppression, and discrimination.
On Wednesday, the Afghan Border Police unit deployed on the Goshta border noticed that the Pakistani forces had begun additional work on fortifying their outpost, despite recent agreements to suspend such construction, Afghan officials said.
It is only with the support of concerned citizens that the Center can continue its mission of fortifying American power, which redounds to the benefit of our own security and that of the world at large.
Afghan officials say the incident began after an Afghan Border Police unit deployed on the Goshta border noticed that the Pakistani forces began additional work on fortifying their outpost, despite recent agreements to suspend such construction.
They will also call for fortifying U.S. nuclear launch systems, so military officials would not believe they have to launch a nuclear strike out of fear that an incoming attack would destroy the U.S. response capacity.
Or do we go on playing a pointless blame game, creating a climate that discourages our diplomats, U.S. military advisory teams and intelligence officers from taking necessary risks -- and relies even more on fortifying our embassies.
As long as we keep fortifying partnerships between Federal, State, and local governments and among community leaders and the private sector, we can continue to modernize our critical infrastructure and bolster our ability to overcome whatever challenges we may face.
History may judge that Mr Weinberger's role in fortifying America's arsenal, and thus hastening the collapse of the Soviet Union, outweighed everything else that happened on his watch, but even that because it contributed to a huge budget deficit was controversial at the time.