• Requiring producers to disclose the chemicals in hydraulic fracturing fluid should be a no-brainer.

    WSJ: Is Natural Gas the Road to a Clean Energy Future?

  • Further, although thousands of CBM wells are fractured annually, EPA did not find confirmed evidence that drinking water wells have been contaminated by hydraulic fracturing fluid injection into CBM wells.

    FORBES: EPA's Fracking Hysteria

  • In its review of incidents of drinking water well contamination believed to be associated with hydraulic fracturing, EPA found no confirmed cases that are linked to fracturing fluid injection into CBM wells or subsequent underground movement of fracturing fluids.

    FORBES: EPA's Fracking Hysteria

  • Texas became the first state in the union to require well-by-well disclosure of all ingredients of fracturing fluids being used anywhere in the state when Governor Rick Perry signed into law House Bill 3328, the Texas Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Disclosure bill, in June, 2011.

    FORBES: Clearing The Air On Hydraulic Fracturing Laws In Texas

  • Hydraulic fracturing involves the injection of fluid consisting of approximately 99.5% water and sand (the rest consists of common industrial or even household chemicals or materials) through wells constructed with protective casing and cement, into producing shale formations.

    FORBES: Why Anti-Fracking Groups Are Shifting Their Story From Water To Air Quality

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