But, like the contents of the free port, the fund's acquisitions are shrouded in secrecy.
Not everyone who uses the free port, however, views art primarily as a valuable commodity.
The new Sotheby's project would hold sales at the planned free port project that partner GeHua is developing at Beijing's Capital International Airport.
Already China has built a new road, giving its landlocked Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces efficient access to Rajin, Asia's most northerly year-round ice-free port.
Also, Secure-Me-Automated Security Testing offers two free port scans (one lengthy).
Instead, the pieces are safely stored at Geneva's free port.
The free port, projected to take up almost 900, 000 square feet, is a tax-exempt storage facility that its planners hope will become a trading hub for art and other collectibles.
That Haifa shall be a free port as regards the trade of France, her dominions and protectorates, and there shall be no discrimination in port charges or facilities as regards French shipping and French goods.
St Petersburg owes its popularity to its ice-free port, good rail links and well-educated workforce, as well as the can-do approach of the governor, Valentina Matviyenko, who has promised to turn the city into Russia's Detroit.
The only original thought, supported by some in and out of the mohajir movement, would be to take the politics out of business by creating a new provincial capital for Sindh, and to turn Karachi into a free port.
All of these accessories use proprietary 2.4GHz wireless technology instead of Bluetooth, which means you'll need a free USB port to accommodate the accompanying transceiver.
ENGADGET: Logitech outs two wireless mice and an external trackpad, all optimized for Windows 8
Plug a USB flash drive into a free USB port.
FORBES: How To Make An OS X 10.8 'Mountain Lion' Bootable USB Drive
After being brutally assaulted in a Melbourne stakeout that went horribly awry, homicide detective Joe Cashin is reassigned, for a period of recuperation, to the sleepy, relatively crime-free oceanside town of Port Monro, where he spends his time mostly brooding on the past, drinking to deal with the residue of the physical and emotional pain from the attack, and going for long walks with his two large black poodles.
The port operates a free shuttle to the city centre during high season.
That gives Tajikistan a much-needed road route to the Pakistani port of Karachi, free of its ex-Soviet neighbours' chokehold.
Some of the defendants' relatives tried to storm the Port Said prison to free their loved ones being held inside, Interior Ministry spokesman Brig.
Next year a Brazilian-built deepwater port, backed by a free-trade zone, is due to open.
The two higher-priced models feature nice add-ons like a USB port and Fiat's hands-free communications and entertainment system.
Tiki's cable-free design allows for direct connection to a USB port, while the included docking cable provides extended connection where necessary.
ENGADGET: Blue Microphones Tiki USB mic now available at Best Buy, coming to Apple stores July 15th
Now that its glory days as the North African spice port are past, Attabi says her hometown is free to harbour big ideas.
Similar in size to a standard USB flash drive, Tiki's cable-free design allows it to plug directly into your laptop's USB port for instantaneous setup.
ENGADGET: Blue Microphones Tiki USB mic now available at Best Buy, coming to Apple stores July 15th
The Port Authority is leasing the space to the business improvement district for free, and will maintain it, officials said.
WSJ: In Lower Manhattan, a New Public Space Near the Holland Tunnel
The ship became grounded off Mostyn port at Wednesday lunchtime, and since then several attempts have been made to free it.
BBC: Airbus wings ship Ciudad de Cadiz refloat bid fails again
Apple's iTunes store is the obvious port of call for those seeking to bring the tournament to their iPhones, with some free and others costing a fee.
More than just supplying a battery-free source of light, though, the lantern can function as a charger, thanks to a USB port built into the casing.
ENGADGET: Green House's lantern runs on salt and water, powers your gadgets via USB