In economics, this is a classic example of the so-called free rider problem.
The agency shop was devised to solve the free rider problem, i.e.
Ignoring the free rider question, they demand to know why anyone should be compelled to pay dues to a union in order to have a job.
Unless everyone is forced to carry health insurance, healthy people will refuse to buy it until they get sick, precipitating a free rider crisis that would ruin insurers.
FORBES: The Road to Socialized Medicine Is Paved With Preexisting Conditions - Part 3
This is a little off-topic but I think it would be great if you could look into the "Free Rider" problem for one month of your Ethical Man series.
His decision acknowledges that, while reforming an insurance market is a regulation of commerce, Congress cannot artificially create its own "free rider" crisis in the insurance market and then use that crisis to justify an otherwise unconstitutional mandate as "necessary and proper" to save the market from collapse.
WSJ: Barnett and Foley: The Nuts and Bolts of the ObamaCare Ruling
Whether those copies are crops on a farm in the Midwest or hot DVDs on the sidewalks of New York City, the principle is the same, and so are the consequences: When one free rider skims off the top, everyone else ends up paying more, and innovators get less to invest in the next round of innovation.
FORBES: The Supreme Court Is About To Shape The Future Of Innovation
Remove that insurer mandate and the free-rider problem is a thing of the past.
All for a policy that will only exacerbate the free-rider problem.
FORBES: Obama's Top Lawyer: If You Don't Like The Individual Mandate, Earn Less Income
Mr. Jones barely missed qualifying for the 1998 Winter Olympics as a snowboarder and then gave up racing to become a mountain free-rider.
WSJ: Snowboarder Jeremy Jones's Secret Code of Snow | Creating
Then there is the free-rider problem: the cost of litigation falls on those that sue, but the proceeds from putbacks flow to all investors.
ECONOMIST: Banks are under assault from buyers of mortgage securities
Google already enjoys a free-rider status in the World Wide Web.
These two studies also provide evidence that disputes the free-rider myth.
Mr Varian argues that this overcomes the free-rider problem, a particular pain for makers of online content because it can often be reproduced at zero cost.
But if we want to build on this structure and solve the free-rider problem, there are three fundamental flaws in the current system that need to be corrected.
WSJ: John C. Goodman: Why Mandated Health Insurance Is Unfair
Many if not most Tory MPs believe that Britain should try for what amounts to a free-rider membership of the single market (ie, staying inside while spurning EU rules on employment, the environment, fisheries and the like).
TomTom Rider includes free Lifetime Maps.
ENGADGET: TomTom Rider motorcycle GPS gets refresh, for those born to be guided