On now-crowded commuter trains, a frequent conversation topic is where to find the cheapest gas.
Best for having your frequent flier account balances within easy reach for spontaneous upgrades.
His latest frequent topic: warning against high-burn rates and risk among the frothy startup ecosystem.
Notes are redesigned on a relatively frequent basis, in order to maintain security and prevent forgeries.
The disorder is characterized by frequent episodes of overeating in a short periods of time.
Frequent traders are jumping into gold and other metals because they see it as a momentum play.
Prior to joining CNN, Smerconish was an MSNBC contributor and frequent guest-host of Hardball for Chris Matthews.
Frequent visitors include a trumpet fish known as Nick, as well as squid and octopus at night.
Planes dopplered overhead, low, loud and frequent enough to suggest war-game dogfights concealed by the thick, rainforest canopy.
Some frequent travelers carry multiple phones to navigate incompatible cellular standards country to country.
Among them, Daren Johnston, a frequent flyer who tells me his latest travel horror story.
So staying loyal to your frequent flyer program might not always lead to the greatest savings.
He was last seen in the capital Phnom Penh, but frequent appeals have revealed little.
Frequent fliers may grumble about increased ticket prices, extra baggage fees, schedule changes and discontinued routes.
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Seldom in good health, Tocqueville lived on his nerves, working in bursts followed by frequent collapses.
American offers Group 2 boarding, right after elite-level frequent fliers, to passengers without overhead-bin luggage.
They fear that fair value would lead to more frequent dips in banks' capital levels.
Dapper gentlemen frequent Harry Rosen and the nouvelle barbershop Cru , both in Yorkville.
These businesses appreciated that improved, more frequent customer contact was key to growing sales.
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They wanted more downtime, and were showing it through frequent tantrums and poor sleep.
Jerry Bowyer is chief economist for BenchMark Financial and a frequent commentator on Fox and CNBC.
It had a troubled start but there have been frequent updates since to improve its accuracy.
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Neither has been able to break the deadlock, despite frequent tours of the traditionally Republican region.
And its a charge that is as empty of truth as it has been frequent.
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One frequent point of viewer debate is the number of good auditions vs. humorously bad auditions.
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New online options firms are springing up to cater to frequent traders by offering flat-rate commissions.
Frequent updates of the data files associated with antiviral software can protect users from known viruses.
The special seating lures "higher revenue and more frequent customers, " says a United spokesman.
No one strayed appreciably from the fine art of frequent, message-inspired applause and standing ovations.
In addition, frequent work stoppages by Hyundai's unionised workers also affected the carmaker's earnings.