Halfway through his freshman year, he changed his major from business administration to speech.
And despite a disappointing freshman year, it just may get them come season two.
Keita's emergence has come despite not starting a single game since his freshman year.
He was a catcher until his freshman year at Mount Olive College in North Carolina.
Carter designed a pilot study during his freshman year at Washington University in St.
Jordan clinched an NCAA basketball title for UNC his freshman year at the school.
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In her freshman year, she had taken biology, had gotten interested in the life sciences.
Daniels recommends students wait until after their freshman year to apply for credit cards.
The summer after my freshman year, I discovered a little black community within miles of my college.
Bosh, the fourth overall pick in last month's NBA draft, left Georgia Tech after his freshman year.
My cell biology course freshman year, Bio 15a at Harvard College, was taught entirely from scientific papers.
"She's probably improved more from freshman year to senior year than any kid in the league, " he said.
In the fall of 1972, my parents drove me to the University of North Dakota for my freshman year.
She told me that it has ruined her freshman year -- and will likely taint her entire college experience.
In my freshman year in high school, I formed the first Unicef Club.
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What's more, these calculators provide estimates only for the freshman year of college.
Meg says she dressed up more at the start of her freshman year because she wanted to make a good impression.
College Jobs sprang from an idea he had when applying for a summer job at the end of his freshman year.
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The first day of his freshman year, he decided that he needed a new identity, or, at least, a new name.
Now you should be able to see the mathematical fallacy in that analysis if you completed your Freshman year in high school.
The team went 9-0 and won a state championship his freshman year.
Memory carries me back to my freshman year in college where, 28 years ago, I indulged in an unfortunate ritual for Hispanic students.
Opponents always dreaded playing at Manley, a dusty arena encircled by a dirt track that opened in 1962, which was Boeheim's freshman year.
Te'o told ESPN the relationship with Kekua dated to his freshman year at Notre Dame, the 2009-10 season, and they met via Facebook.
Victoria talked to Victor via Skype throughout his freshman year while he was living with teammate Will Sheehey (who also has a twin sister).
WSJ: Indiana's Victor Oladipo Is the Latest Big Basketball Star to Have a Twin Sister
Opponents always dreaded playing at Manley, a dusty arena encircled by a dirt track that opened in 1962, Boeheim's freshman year as a student.
After his freshman year of high school, the precocious, computer-savvy kid decided to drop out altogether to devote more time to his passion for technology.
It all started when I returned home from college after my freshman year to find my newfound freedom again weighed down by daily parental oversight.
Actually, the first and last game I ever sat through, during freshman year in college, taught me one other thing -- that timing is everything.