Frighteningly, both are armed with the latest technologies and the winner is far from predictable.
But the network vulnerability that Anton Kapela and Alex Pilosov will present is frighteningly simple.
It was an echoing house of frighteningly tall rooms that smelled of emptiness and mouse droppings.
Some recent opinion surveys have shown a frighteningly high level of openness to extreme views.
As a new development, the overall impact of these land-based casinos is frighteningly untested.
FORBES: Cleveland Makes Opening Bid on the City Casino Gamble
The possibility that the fighting could spread throughout the region is frighteningly easy to envision.
The paraphernalia of snooping, whether legal or not, is becoming both frighteningly sophisticated and easily affordable.
Death is still frighteningly common on American roads: between 1994 and 1996, 124, 000 Americans died in car crashes.
However, we actually know frighteningly little about how and when medical errors occur.
It actually reminded me a bit of a Dark Souls style boss, though far more mobile and frighteningly quick.
The number of elected officials who even care about blocking a bill like SOPA is frighteningly small to begin with.
FORBES: Ron Paul Takes Up Internet Freedom With New 'Technology Revolution' Manifesto
The economy was at the edge of a cliff, and the possibility of a second Great Depression was frighteningly real.
Alongside BC brews from Phillips and Driftwood, frighteningly strong Quebec beers jostle with unfiltered Belgian libations and US favourites from Deschutes and Brooklyn.
For each of them, this involved a frighteningly intense period of preparation.
If so, your finance managers are the Status Quo police, keeping the business from doing what may be competitively necessary though frighteningly new.
After many adventures and some frighteningly high seas they reached French Polynesia on July 30, skirting close to the isolated Puka Puka atoll.
Judge Adrian Smith said Khosravi was a well-educated man from a "decent, supportive family" who turned "violent and frighteningly menacing" during the attack.
When the summer arrives and the thermometer hits a balmy 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and all their pasty white bodies are suddenly and frighteningly revealed.
Top speed is anticipated at around a frighteningly illegal 206 mph.
Retired Army General Stanley McChrystal said the US began the war with a "frighteningly simplistic" view and still lacked the knowledge to achieve a successful end.
Frighteningly lethal and insidiously efficient, these bacteria replicate and mutate prodigiously, turning out variants that elude most of the chemical weapons--antibiotics--that medicine has invented over the past century.
It seemed so frighteningly real at the time that when the three actors walked out onstage after the credits, we all were genuinely relieved to see them alive.
"The schemes are strikingly simple but frighteningly destructive, " Kasowitz said.
Russia's institutions being worryingly weak and the powers of its president frighteningly strong, it is vital that the man in charge is beholden to neither demagogues nor billionaires.
It really is a beautiful idea, and I remain a big fan, but at this point the whole thing is beginning to look frighteningly like a house of cards.
FORBES: Drone DMND Controller Scam Suspended On Kickstarter [Updated]
Our taxi driver last night - a frighteningly cool man called Frankie, who cites former Kent wicketkeeper Alan Knott as his hero - asked me about the whole Pietersen saga.
Jewaun was transferred to the children's hospital at the University of Chicago, where doctors discovered that a frighteningly virulent staph infection--impervious to standard antibiotics--had begun at the knee and spread through the body.
While domesticated robots are becoming a ( frighteningly) common inclusion in techno-friendly homes, Korean 'bot manufacturer ED has a home-ready robot that sports a plethora of communication venues including ZigBee and RFID.
ENGADGET: ED unveils programmable, home-serving U-ROBO bot with RFID