The call from Number 10 to artist Ben Eine came out of the blue.
Set back from the hubbub, a green tent stood out against the brightest of blue skies.
Police had been called out from 10:30 ahead of the Blue Square Bet Premier League game between Nuneaton Town and Lincoln City.
About 10 years ago, he got a call out of the blue from woman named Jarrett Kroll, who had been trying to find him for more than a decade.
From their perspective, the request came out of the blue without any advance warning and no context.
Warwickshire Police said officers were called out from 10:30 GMT in advance of the Blue Square Bet Premier League game between Nuneaton Town and Lincoln City.
Then out of the blue, Ledet made his move from the back of the trailing pack.
Those concerns were compounded when Koechner reached out to her boyfriend from a motel in the Kansas City suburb of Blue Springs on Monday.
Though Usera received an "out-of-the-blue" phone call from Dorner four years ago complaining about conditions at the LAPD, he sensed nothing that would have foretold the mayhem that has unfolded in the last 10 days.
While Charlie would have us believe that he was a blessing bestowed on us from Mars, at the minimum, many others believe he just showed up out of the blue and now we have to suffer.
If a new crisis were to emerge out of the blue in which the UK had to intervene, the warning from many parts of defence is that there will be little left in reserve without careful planning and - by 2015 - a real uplift in defence spending.
Mr Visscher, from Marlborough, said it was a "real surprise" and something "which had come out of the blue".
Bobic missed an open goal from just eight yards and Kuranyi blazed a shot wide before Scotland hit back with a goal out of the blue.
On the child's whim, Eve follows different licence plates, until out of the blue she is drawn by a whim of her own, a memory from childhood of a fairy-tale picture done in coloured broken glass stuck in a whitewashed wall.
Each morning, fleets of cobalt blue boats still head out from port, scattering across a vast Atlantic horizon - but now the daily haul is sea bass, not sugar.