The fact that other local business owners quickly jumped in to assist him brick-up the front door leads me to believe there are larger customer service issues brewing.
By simply pressing the Zoom Framing Assist button located on the lower front left of the camera, the lens will quickly zoom out to help you re-locate and frame your subject.
The active lane keeping assist monitors the lines on the pavement in front of you and sends a vibration through the steering wheel if you start to drift out of your lane.
Aside from simply feeling more solid that the cheaper model, the SX500 also offers up features like Zoom Framing Assist, which can be accessed via a devoted button on the front of the camera, letting you zoom out to help find your shooting subject -- a function it performs quite quickly.
Not everyone can be a relief worker on the front lines of an emergency, but we can all make a difference by supporting organizations like AmeriCares that assist the survivors.