He recently announced plans to record a full-length record, Small Boat, Big Sea, later this year.
But it wasn't until 2005 that he released his debut full-length, the double-disc LCD Soundsystem.
This compact crystallization of fable and reality is as ample as a full-length feature.
Until now, all the haughty talk of a full-length feature film was just that.
That's the equivalent of 40 full-length feature films, or a handful of books by Dickens.
The Golden Gate (1986), a full-length novel in verse, was a tour de force.
Levi's full-length debut, it finds a sweet spot between disjointed pop and busker garage.
No fewer than 3, 812 full-length movies were submitted to the 2011 Sundance film festival.
ECONOMIST: Independent films are at last recovering from the slump
No Anchor switch things up on the brand new full-length, The Golden Bridge.
But several months ago, a friend told her that YouTube had a growing array of full-length films.
Originally signed to V2 Records, Slim put out the EP Engine in 2006 and planned a full-length album to follow.
Suri estimates the group played 150 tour dates, in addition to recording their full-length debut album, Relax.
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In 1937 Disney premiered its first animated full-length feature film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
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K'naan released his first full-length album -- dubbed "Dusty Foot Philosopher" -- in 2005 to critical acclaim.
Full-length episodes of Nickelodeon's current top shows also will be available via subscriber authentication through participating TV providers.
Not bad for someone whose first major full-length feature - The Debt - was only released in 2010.
Patricia Hodge, as Mrs Coulter, is as beastly in khaki safari-wear as she is beguiling in full-length fox.
The first and only full-length feature from the young Romanian director Cristian Nemescu.
He began wearing full-length mink coats and velvet blazers and rolling into ball games in his fancy Rolls Royce.
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Instead, Trevor-Roper produced several full-length books as well as dozens of brilliant essays.
Brendan Benson is a songwriter with three full-length solo albums to his credit.
The band is on tour in support of Challengers, its fourth full-length release.
About 74% of them are trading music, but nearly 9% are trading videoclips, and about 2% are swapping full-length movies.
This will be the first time that paying customers have seen full-length motion pictures projected digitally, rather than from celluloid.
The body hadn't been laid out full-length with its arms by its sides, as bodies usually were at the time.
The show is organized thematically, but we first encounter the earliest included work, the Ringling's full-length portrait of Francesco Franceschini.
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Pianist and singer Vienna Teng recorded most of her debut full-length CD, Waking Hour, while studying computer science at Stanford University.
This means that users can now transfer two full-length movies from a G-Technology USB 3.0 drive to a computer in minutes.
ENGADGET: G-Technology kicks out USB 3.0 G-Drives for Macs, keeps your Retina MacBook Pro well-fed
By 1962, he had directed his first full-length movie, Play it Cool, a pop musical starring Billy Fury, at Pinewood Studios.
It has won the support of the politically powerful MPAA because, unlike a typical search engine, Clicker presents only full-length legal fare.