• But Worcester funeral home director Peter Stefan said despite the request, he doesn't think Russia will take Tsarnaev's body and he is working on other arrangements.

    NPR: Mass. Funeral Director Considers Burial Offers

  • In Louisiana, for example, a group of monks is fighting back against state requirements that they must obtain a funeral home director's license to sell caskets, a license that must be obtained from a board where nine of the 10 sitting members are from the state's largest funeral homes.


  • The director of the funeral home in Worcester, Massachusetts, likened the task to burying notorious mass murderers from recent US history.

    BBC: Burial wrangle for Boston suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev

  • In 2003, Samuel Smith Jr. of East Chicago, Indiana, included his business card as Indiana State Senator and another for his job as Director of the Divinity Funeral Home.

    WSJ: Smitten by Smiths: Bob Ziegler

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