"Our daily lives were the major inspiration, being young people and part of a changing country trying to form its future in a very sensitive period, " said guitarist Firas Abu-Fakhr.
If those workers conclude that they would be better off spending now, since the alternative could be earning next to nothing on their savings if they retire in a future period of economic torpor, long-term U.S. growth will be the real loser.
"The rebuilding process is already underway and Ian's experience will be invaluable as Scottish Labour prepares for a crucial period in our - and Scotland's future - with a referendum and elections for Europe, Westminster and Holyrood in the next three years, " she said.
BBC: Scottish Labour recruits Ian Price as general secretary
An NHS Trust has said the resignation of its chief executive will not affect a consultation period on the future of Heatherwood Hospital in Berkshire.
The credit crunch was a liquidity crisis, so in future, banks will have to be able to meet their liabilities for a period of at least 30 days in times of financial stress.
The prime minister said future tenants could move out after a "fixed period" to make way for those in greater need.
BBC: Social tenants in England to get wider home swap choice
This means a student gets the money for college from an investor, who in return gets a percentage stake in future earnings for some period of time.
According to the deal, Alibaba will have the right to increase its ownership in Weibo to 30% at a mutually agreed valuation "within a certain period of time in the future".
BBC: Alibaba buys stake in China's Twitter-type Weibo service
For example, we agree with Silk that any future devolution of income tax powers is contingent on a period of assignment, reform of the Barnett formula and a referendum to test the will of the Welsh people.
Instituting a guest worker program--in which people would come for specific jobs for a specific period of time and then go home--would help enormously in alleviating a future influx of illegals.
He told Mass goers he would take a period of time to reflect on his future.
The coming days and the coming period will be a decisive crossroads for future relations between us.
The group SOS Grantham Hospital handed in the document at the end of a 90-day consultation period on the future of the site.
He said he would look at getting everyone involved with Blindcraft around the table for a meeting before the consultation period on its future concluded.
Day to day performance over a long period is the only reliable predictor of future results.
FORBES: Why Companies are Terrible at Selecting, Retaining and Motivating Their Talent
Mining assets are essentially depleting in nature and need to be replaced over a period of 10-20 years to ensure future growth.
FORBES: Freeport McMoran's Earnings: China Recovery, Energy Foray In Focus
He warned that cuts in funding would "severely damage" future facilities for sports but lottery funding "guaranteed over a long period" could improve facilities in the inner cities and elsewhere.
Here is where the conduct of the Republican Senators will have a big impact on the future of this party in this crucial rebuilding period.
It could be that the sport emerges from this period a leaner beast, better placed to cope with future financial downturns and, more importantly, a series where a team's ability to contend is not solely based on the amount of money it has.
"Clearly, there needs to be a prolonged period of reassessment -- both with respect to the future direction of the Soviet Union and the ability of our allies to enforce existing export controls, " said Jennifer J.
In a way, this period helped Africa quickly learn to chart its own future.
FORBES: Africa And Obama: What The Continent Should Do In His Second Term
We're in the midst of a challenging period, and I know Americans are concerned about our economic future.
So instead of a vision of the future, we are now sort of looking back at this heroic period of the space mission.
The future of the other 26 outlets is expected to be made clear when a 90-day consultation period ends on 19 April.
And that means there will never be a significant period of time where people generally are hoarding their Bitcoins in anticipation of future price rises.
Banished from the field for a specified period the way Hall of Fame candidate Rafael Palmeiro was and the way future Hall of Fame candidate Manny Ramirez was.
"We have a very difficult period now, but it's important to prepare good conditions for future elections, " she said, including agreement on a new constitution.
So what happened after the Shah fled was a period of struggle between these various factions to see who was going to shape the future of Iran.
The composite rate can never go below 0%, so even if we experience a prolonged period of severe de flation, the I Bonds will still help protect the future spending power of your investment.
Some argue that research and development costs are investments for the future, the same as a new plant, and ought to be capitalized as assets and written down over a period of time.
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