It will provide great insight into your future day-to-day experiences.
Only then will it be possible to say, on some future Victory Day, that Europe is at last whole and free.
But others, including Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the finance minister, are insisting that at least part of the bounty must be used to reduce the public debt, whose interest payments now gobble up nearly a fifth of total tax revenue, and to trim the public deficit (to a planned 2.3% next year) against some future rainy day.
It would be fitting and good, I think, if on each Inauguration Day in future years it should be declared a day of prayer.
And citizens of both our countries -- entrepreneurs, innovators, students, scientists, and soldiers -- who work together, and forge the future, every day.
Certainly it wouldn't have crashed the servers, and the women of Princeton might have spent another day thinking the future is filled with untold adventure and opportunity, rather than simply another day closer to their expiration date as a desirable partner.
And that makes me hopeful about the future, because you're out there fighting every day for a better future for your family and your country.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on the Economy and Middle-Class Tax Cuts | The White House
We can keep pushing the problem to the future, but the day will come.
For easy connectivity to both a host of current-day and future entertainment enhancements, the new models both feature onboard Ethernet port that allows for Internet connectivity for BD Live and firmware updates.
ENGADGET: Denon outs 2009 line of Blu-ray players, AV receivers and headphones
Future advances may one day eliminate the pad altogether and have the phone wirelessly charged via its proximity to a wireless charging transmitter in a wall or other device such as a laptop computer.
So, it also calls into question the extent to which the NFL and the NFLPA are more interested in developing the right business model for the future or carrying the day in the courts of law and public opinion.
If such an event comes to pass, future commentators may one day conclude that despite their best efforts at producing a recovery, Ben Bernanke and company will have sold their collective souls for a mere phantasm of economic recovery.
FORBES: Fed And Treasury Leave Devilish Prints On Bull Market
However, with the strong gains already clocked by investors this year, some stock strategists were moving in the opposite direction, raising warning flags about the prospect for future gains on a day when demand for Treasurys rose, nudging the yield on the benchmark 10-year note down to 1.95%.
One day in the future, a tipping point will occur and the electric car will replace the combustion engine.
Chief executive Alan Hamer insists no decision will be made on the future of Australia one-day international Cosgrove and other players until a season review has been held.
Confidence, as it relates to maintaining it within and projecting it without, is essential to considering an individual for the top slot, or for grooming to assume that spot one day in the future.
Popular wisdom advises that you take a look at your retirement planning regularly to be sure everything is on-track for that fated day in the future when you turn in your final resignation and take your leave from the money-making world.
Magnolia Picture's Man on Wire, which just so happened to take home an Oscar this year, is in that group of 50 along with FirstLook Studios' Transsiberian and War, Inc.. Better still, VUDU intends to make future releases available for purchase day-and-date with the DVD release, and we can only hope that major studios get with the program and follow suit.
ENGADGET: VUDU first on-demand service to sell HD and HDX movies HD
Some day, in the future, people will look back and remember how beautiful it once was.
As a future king, William will one day be head of the armed forces.
It follows the completion of a 90-day consultation about the future of the St Mary's Road call centre.
Our future is determined each and every day, when our children enter the classroom, ready to learn and brimming with promise.
The tax dude thanks his good readers for highlighting this error and promises in the future not to write during signing day for college football.
FORBES: 1099 Form Reporting Repeal? -- Not So Fast -- And Not The Whole Enchilada
Though job seekers are almost always heavily swayed by money, she advises looking at how a job will affect both your day-to-day life and your future career prospects.
"You can never be prepared for that - to tell 18 to 20 families that their loved one would not be returning to them that day or in the future, " he said.
Although it has had an impressive track record of growth, its ability to turn a profit is still a question mark and it is likely that the company will need rainy day funds in the future.
The P-36 was located in an especially oil-rich area off the coast of Rio de Janiero, and was expected to produce 180, 000 barrels per day in the near future, making the explosion an even greater loss.
With no sign of the republicans giving up their guns, Mr Trimble is due to carry out his threat to quit by the end of the day, placing the future of the power-sharing government in Belfast into doubt yet again.
At one time, you could confidently place any money you might need within one year in a high-yield savings account and be relatively confident that your money could buy at least as much a year in the future than it could buy the day you deposited your funds.
By this type of reckoning, the future monarch will be spending their entire day scribbling letters to centenarians.