Enabling one while gagging the other is keeping manners from catching up with technology.
Mr Pickles claimed new checks and balances would help stop gagging orders being abused.
The councillor shows a Tepco gagging order that one local boss had to sign.
He also refused to lift a gagging order forbidding lawyers from talking about the case.
Media gagging orders in Israel are rare and issued in special cases concerning national security.
Nearly 5, 000 public servants may have been given pay-offs involving gagging orders, says The Daily Telegraph.
Congress tinkering with patent law while gagging inventors is like a surgeon operating before examining the patient.
The department had said it took no part in drawing up the "gagging" clauses in compromise agreements.
Prenotification would have given the plaintiff a chance to seek a gagging order before the material was published.
ECONOMIST: Of privacy, the courts and (more importantly) the internet
Her trust offered her a large sum if she went quietly, but she refused to sign a gagging order.
MPs want to stop a Lincolnshire NHS trust taking action against a former manager for breaking a gagging order.
He made the gagging sound, and leaned over the side of the bed and let on he was emptying himself.
The former head of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, has asked a French court to lift a "gagging order" on him.
BBC: Dominique Strauss-Kahn calls for end to 'gagging order'
Eleven were treated for the effects of pepper spray, which burns the eyes and nose, causing coughing, gagging and shortness of breath.
CNN: California campus police on leave after pepper-spraying
The difficulty is that the spice doesn't break down very fast and can get stuck in the throat, causing gagging and even vomiting.
WSJ: Cinnamon Challenge: Just a Spoonful Makes the Internet Rounds
Reports say he has taken out a so-called super injunction against the press, forbidding both reports on both the allegations and the gagging order itself.
Last week the United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust was accused by a former chief executive of using a gagging order to halt his concerns about care.
His case came to light when an Israeli newspaper website broke the story that year, but the reports were removed after a gagging order was imposed.
Referring to the seven-year-old boy who was forced to eat custard when he was crying and gagging, the Teaching Agency said Mrs Whitfield's actions were "plainly inappropriate".
BBC: Teacher Amanda Whitfield who force-fed custard is banned
The Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has written to every NHS trust in England warning them against using gagging clauses to stop staff raising concerns over patient care.
Terry had won a gagging order last week preventing the public learning about an alleged affair, but the injunction was lifted by the High Court on Friday.
But his tenure as captain came to an ignominious end in February 2010 after he was revealed as the sportsman behind a gagging injunction involving his private life.
Last month Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt banned the use of gagging orders that prevented NHS staff raising concerns about patient care in the wake of the Mid Staffordshire scandal.
The report on ABC's Foreign Correspondent programme, which named Mr Zygier, has been the subject of intense media debate in Israel, after Israel issued a gagging order preventing publication of details of the story.
The message said the gagging order covered not only Mr Walker but also his family and witnesses to the unfair dismissal claim and told him to withdraw statements made in the interview broadcast on Thursday.
Controversy over gagging clauses has particularly focused on one of them, United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust (ULHT), after its former chief executive, Gary Walker, broke a gag to speak about his 2010 dismissal and concerns over care.
Many fear that if Banamex wins its case, free speech could be restricted because powerful corporations will be able to launch gagging orders against websites anywhere in the world publishing information they would rather not see aired.
Meanwhile, the ruling African National Congress responded to separate allegations that it had diverted cash from a state-owned oil company to its own coffers ahead of last year's election by gagging a newspaper that was about to print further details.
Giggs, who plays for Manchester United and is known for his squeaky-clean reputation, was the sole soccer player recently mentioned in a stream of six tweets about celebrities who had taken out gagging orders on the press, by an anonymous Twitter account holder.
FORBES: Soccer Star Declares War On Twitter Over Alleged Affair