It's been a day - and a night - of contrasts at Lashkar Gah.
BBC: Newsbeat - The P Word - Reflecting on a week in Afghanistan
The capital of Helmand Province, Lashkar Gah, is now fully transitioned over to Afghan lead control.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Cameron Hold a Press Conference | The White House
Representatives from five nations, including Afghan generals and others, joined British troops in Lashkar Gah for Sunday's service.
At the British headquarters in Lashkar Gah, the senior chaplain Padre Dowell Conning conducted the main service of remembrance.
He was serving in the Lashkar Gah district of Helmand province when he was injured by enemy action on Monday.
It happened while soldiers were engaged with insurgent forces near Lashkar Gah, as part of Operation Panther's Claw, the ministry said.
He had been sent with his unit to Pupalzay, along the Highway 601 in the Lashkar Gah area of Helmand province.
Cpl Pike had been sent with his unit to Pupalzay, along the Highway 601 in the Lashkar Gah area of Helmand province.
She was one of four soldiers to be killed when her Snatch Land Rover was caught in an explosion in the Lashkar Gah area.
Six other soldiers were injured in the blast near Lashkar Gah as UK and US troops started a major offensive against Taliban militants in southern Afghanistan.
The operation started in mid-June with an air assault along a canal about 16 kilometers (10 miles) north of the city of Lashkar Gah, the ministry said.
Seven areas controlled by the American-led international force are to be transferred to Afghan command, including Lashkar Gah in Helmand, until recently a hotbed of Taliban activity.
But it's hard to find any evidence of it in Helmand, where the tarmac on the roads runs out well before you leave the provincial capital, Lashkar Gah.
The Ministry of Defence said the soldiers were part of a patrol travelling along Route 611 between Forward Operating Base Ouellette and Patrol Base Lashkar Gah Durai in Nahr-e-Saraj when their vehicle was hit by an improvised explosive device.
There was his claim that he hated high school, and there were three files on his computer, written in July and early September, whose contents are unknown but whose file names are Gah.docx, sorry.docx, and Why is everything so painful.docx.