For the last two years there has been a Grand Canyon-size gap between facts and fear.
The two have different ideas as to the best way to close the gap between the size of their funds and the amounts they will have to pay to their pensioners.
What economic theory tells us is to look at the entire projected path of policy, measure its fiscal gap, and decide on the basis of the size of its fiscal gap whether the policy is sustainable.
As for T-shirts, a size small, short-sleeved number from Ralph Lauren Sport equates to a medium "Favorite Tee" from Gap, and a size 18 crew-neck T-shirt from Petit Bateau.
As ball clubs in New York, Los Angeles, Boston and Chicago were widening the revenue gap due to the size and strength of their local markets, cries of poverty began to emanate from the corridors of County Stadium.
As for T-shirts, a size small, short-sleeved number from Ralph Lauren (nyse: RL - news - people ) Sport equates to a medium "Favorite Tee" from Gap, and a size 18 crew-neck T-shirt from Petit Bateau.
Yes, aggregation of smaller loads adds a degree of complexity, but not enough to explain the gorilla-scale size of the gap.
As in all productivity debates, the true size of this gap, the reasons for it and the implications are all hotly debated, but low investment is thought to be a prime culprit.
The size of the gap between spending and tax revenues - with the government taking in just three pounds for every four pounds it spends - makes it likely that all the big revenue raisers - (income tax, national insurance, and VAT) may have to be tapped in the future.
As argued above, this should not affect the size of the output gap.
In a report, the council's major projects manager Adrian Arnold had said if nothing was done "the likelihood of the development commencing" was "very small" because of "the size of the financial gap".
However, the uncertainty about the valuation of asset prices is arguably no greater than the uncertainty about potential growth rates and hence the size of the output gap, which is at the heart of most central banks' inflation forecasts.
Canon's primary motivation, at least from an official perspective, was to create a camera that serves to bridge the gap between pocketable compacts and full-size DSLRs with a simple user interface designed to educate, not intimidate.
ENGADGET: Canon EOS M mirrorless camera hands-on (video) Hands-on
That gap, that 10 percent cost, let me compare that with the size of our military.
States are already facing down a fiscal gap in funding for special education students, and the looming sequester will likely double its size.
In the absence of any official estimate of the size of the stimulus, market-watchers looked for an unofficial figure to fill the gap.
The OECD also found that small- and medium-size businesses often held back payments to suppliers or slowed tax payments to try to fill the gap.
Because of The Cloud, gap intelligence has the same infrastructure, server capacity, and overall data security as companies 1, 000 times our size.