Strobel claims this gas mixture, harmless to humans, is one of the most potent antibiotics discovered.
For example, some 1, 000 barrels of crude oil, water and gas mixture poured onto the tundra after a 2-foot gash formed in a pipeline in November 2009.
But it turns out that pilots can run the engine better by adding some air and subtracting some gas in the fuel mixture.
The exact number killed is not known, but ran into the thousands as townspeople choked on a mixture of mustard gas and nerve agents.
There's nothing new about turning coal into gas--19th-century street lamps burned "town gas, " a dangerous mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, produced by blasting coal with steam.
And her graph stacks the deck, because her conventional cars yielded 30 mpg, which is hardly average, and it assumes a coal-based grid, when most are a mixture of coal, natural gas and other things (including nuclear).
Under the process of fracking, oil or gas is extracted from shale rock by pumping a mixture of sand, water and chemicals into the rock at high pressure.
Fracking involves drilling a borehole before a high-pressure water mixture is directed at the rock to release the gas.
That mixture is then fed into a fuel reformer that turns it into a hydrogen-rich gas.
This year he completed what is believed to be the first ever fracture stimulation procedure in Turkey: injecting a mixture of water and sand at high pressure down the wells to break up rock and release gas.
In fracking, a mixture of water, sand and some chemicals is pumped into a well under high pressure to force the gas from the rock.