At least when it comes to gas, state politicians stick to taxing those who can most afford it.
Plattsburgh Press-Republican and Glens Falls Chronicle outdoors columnist Dan Ladd said he understands the need for DEC to control information on contentious topics such as hydrofracturing for natural gas and state land deals, but not those related to hunting and fishing.
Mr. Ryan said the low price of natural gas should give state policy makers pause.
Last year, Gazprom, the giant state gas company, bought Sibneft, a private Russian oil producer.
Mr Morales announced on Monday that his government was taking the country's gas industry into state hands.
Gazprom said it was acting following a request from Botas, the Turkish state gas and oil transportation company.
The offices of Gazprom, Russia's giant state gas monopoly, are also reported to have been raided by police.
State gas tax holiday proposals, mirroring Republican presidential candidate John McCain's proposed summer federal gas tax holiday, have gone nowhere.
He said he would sue four more companies that he accuses of participating in some of the biggest jumps in gas prices in state history.
Many states, such as Texas and Oklahoma, use the tax revenues from oil and gas to fund state education projects, health care obligations and rainy-day funds.
In June 2011, Novatek, Russia's biggest non-state gas company, sent 60, 000 tons of gas condensate from Murmansk to the Chinese port of Ningbo aboard the MV Perseverance on a three-week voyage.
When Vladimir Putin, Russia's prime minister, suggested a merger between Gazprom and Ukraine's state gas monopoly, Naftogaz, Mr Yanukovich quipped that Russia would have to give Ukraine half of Gazprom first.
By 2010 it expects to send gas in liquefied state from reserves near the Barents Sea to ports in the U.S. And the company is looking eastward, too, with plans to build pipelines to China.
And foreign investors have responded coolly to offers of shares in a state gas company, Gas Authority of India (they bought only 15% of the shares on offer), and in the telecoms monopoly, Videsh Sanchar Nigam.
By the 1980s the state gas sector that ran the operation was controlled by a classic Soviet functionary, Victor Chernomyrdin, and he held on tight to his post until 1992, a year after Boris Yeltsin became the first popularly elected leader of Russia.
She ruled that the state oil and gas supervisor in charge of the commission as a state agency acted reasonably in evaluating requests for trade secret exemptions under the fracking disclosure rule.
Conveniently again for the government, it recently arranged for Gazprom, Russia's state-run gas monopoly, to acquire Rosneft, an oil firm also owned by the state.
Chinese interest in shale gas is strong, with state companies buying up American expertise as they take stakes in established shale-gas producers.
ECONOMIST: Shale gas should make the world a cleaner, safer place
The state could have billions of dollars in claims against BP, on everything from lost oil and gas revenues to damage to state-owned marshes and oyster beds.
Its electric power industry emits less greenhouse gas than any other state.
Royal Dutch Shell said it has signed its first-ever production sharing contract for shale gas in China with state-owned China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC).
Remember, natural gas in its gaseous state is a landlocked commodity.
Yesterday the state natural gas monopoly, Gazprom, signed a deal to take control over the country's largest foreign investment, the massive Sakhalin II Gas Complex in the Russian Far East.
The consequent condensation of the water vapour it is carrying heats the air further (the change of state from gas to liquid sheds latent heat), causing it to continue rising.
Nationalising Yukos would give Russia the strategic leverage in oil that it enjoys in gas, which the state-controlled monopoly Gazprom sells to nearly all of Russia's neighbours and most of Europe.
And over the past few months, the economy has experienced some tough headwinds -- from natural disasters, to spikes in gas prices, to state and local budget cuts that have cost tens of thousands of cops and firefighters and teachers their jobs.
As the Cuomo administration has more recently pursued an agenda that includes rewriting state law regarding abortions to codify it with federal standards, and has delayed a decision on whether to allow a controversial form of natural-gas drilling in the state, voters have come to believe they perceive a shift in the governor's ideology.
At the heart of the cases is the interpretation of a state law passed in 1981 that says regulation of the oil and gas industry rests solely with the state Department of Environmental Conservation, which "supersedes" local laws and ordinances.
Kelcy Warren, Energy Transfer Partners CEO, discusses MLPs and the state of natural gas.