When a traveller enters an airport with one of these smart cards, sensors read the passenger's card and automatically send a gate number and electronic boarding pass to the passenger's smartphone.
BBC: In brief: Ash cloud threatens UK flights
Boarding passes for the flight did not state a departure gate number however, leading to irritation among some passengers lining up at BA's customer service desk to inquire about the status of the flight.
CNN: Software glitch delays London flights
In cases of delays of more than three hours "likely due to heavy winds impairing two of the available runways at JFK, airlines will be forced to return customers to the gate in great number and this will result in thousands of customers grounded with their flights canceled, " said JetBlue spokesman Mateo Lleras via e-mail.
CNN: Air traffic jams in New York likely to jump
The new stations, including Camden Town, Clapham Common Notting Hill Gate and Russell Square, bring the total number of WiFi enabled stations to 92 with a further 28 stations due to come online in early 20131.
ENGADGET: PSA: Virgin Media extends London Underground WiFi again, aims for 120 stations by early 2013
Event brand values equal the total revenues (media rights, sponsorships, licensing fees, gate receipts) generated by the event, divided by the number of days the event takes place.
FORBES: The Forbes Fab 40: The World's Most Valuable Sports Brands
Not surprisingly he came out of the starting gate in the role saying that resuscitating the Doha Round of free trade talks is priority number one.
CNN: WTO: Emerging markets get the nod