Its acquisition of Kurt Geiger and Stuart Weitzman in Europe have been the primary drivers.
As the business expanded Geiger began to focus on the fast growth-markets of Asia.
Reinold Geiger, a minority shareholder at the time, had experience in the cosmetic industry.
Customs agents carry devices like basic Geiger counters in their shirt pockets to measure radiation exposure.
U.S. federal agencies are deploying new detectors that put the Geiger counter's 90-year-old technology to shame.
The Geiger counter is just about the only sign that he doesn't trust the plant.
Customs agents carry basic Geiger-counter-like devices in their shirt pockets to measure radiation exposure.
Now federal agencies are deploying new detectors that put the Geiger counter's 90-year-old technology to shame.
Be a walking, noisy Geiger counter that registers the presence or absence of quality.
The three men killed were Ralph Geiger, 56, David Pauley, 51 and Timothy Kern, 47.
And an orchida(ph) named David Geiger actually bred the orchid with - he was using my name.
Geiger counters use an electrically charged wire inside a metal tube filled with methane and argon gas.
Middletown Mayor Robert Reid still keeps a working Geiger counter in his office, a few miles upstream from the plant.
We expect the gross margins to improve further in Q3 as the proportion of Kurt Geiger revenues to total revenue increases.
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He is facing three life sentences without the possibility of parole -- one each for the deaths of Geiger, Pauley and Kern.
As part of the investigation former cancer sufferer Chris Geiger, from North Somerset, went undercover to secretly film an appointment with Dr Cathar.
BBC: Chris Geiger: I went under cover to expose cancer claims
But while the Geiger counter spots radiation easily, it can't determine which isotope is present, and therefore is unable to tell whether danger is at hand.
The increase is primarily due to the inclusion of Kurt Geiger and strong performance of Stuart Weitzman international operations as well as Jones Spain and Canada.
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An increase in gross margin from 34.8% in Q1 to 36.4% in Q2 due to strong performance of luxury footwear brands Stuart Weitzman and Kurt Geiger underscores these efforts.
FORBES: Luxury Brands The Best Weapon For Jones Against Stubborn Cost Pressures
Once an isotope causes the crystal to flash, a photosensitive cathode releases electrons into a vacuum tube where a chain reaction produces a cascade, as in the Geiger counter.
Andrew Ferguson, who manages Geiger Counter, a nuclear investment fund, reckons that more than 200 uranium-mining firms have listed on stockmarkets around the world in the past 18 months.
The transaction "will give us the money to execute our plans to move into the suburban mall arena where we have experienced growth, " said Julian Geiger, president and CEO of Crumbs.
On a fine summer day she drives to Nihonmatsu, 56km (35 miles) from the ruined nuclear plant at Fukushima, and notes her Geiger counter ticking higher: another step in the DIY defence against radioactivity.
The company also plans to introduce a Kurt Geiger line of footwear in the U.S. very soon, and we will closely follow the impact of the improved margins in footwear to the overall gross margins of the firm.
FORBES: Luxury Brands The Best Weapon For Jones Against Stubborn Cost Pressures
"The way that neurons communicate with each other is by how fast they fire pulses, it's a little bit akin to listening to a Geiger counter click, and it's that property that we lock onto, " said Professor Andrew Schwartz from the University of Pittsburgh.
On a typical day a ToorCamper can attend a talk on breaking into Android devices or disassembling microprocessors with acid and silicate solution to divine the secret cryptographic keys Microsoft stores there, learn to build a Geiger counter and scuba dive in a kelp forest in search of the North Pacific giant octopus.
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That is a lot better than nothing, at least for nuclear fallout (for which the model was first developed): there the case for being safe not sorry is overwhelming, and once the fallout has fallen, a Geiger counter will tell you whether the model's forecasts of which places would be affected have turned out to be right.
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