Only the oldest Americans spend less than Gen X (and slightly less than Gen Y) online.
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An early appearance in the Chicago Tribune was in an article about Gen X-ers.
Only 28% of Gen X-ers plan to stay in their current jobs, according to the survey.
FORBES: Two Out Of Three Looking To Switch Jobs, Says New Survey
All the Boomers and a good chunk of Gen X came of age in an analog world.
They may seem indifferent to advertising messages that have previously captured the attention of Gen X and the Boomers.
The Gen X label covers a large swathe of people, including anyone who was born between 1961 and 1981.
Gen X and Y will not do much to help solve this problem.
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Boomer bosses have trouble understanding their Gen X and Gen Y employees with their short attention spans and notorious lack of loyalty.
For my Gen X brethren, even if we feel safely distant from such bad corporate behavior, our parents can certainly validate it.
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We discovered many serious, responsible Gen X and Y family members working hard to educate and prepare themselves to steward philanthropic resources.
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Forty-three percent of Gen X females (women between 30-44 years old) noted that they are being or have been mentored by women.
There are good reasons why companies should pay attention to Gen X.
The operating system disparity was greatest among Gen X-ers, who were 10% more likely to side with Android (58.6%) versus Apple (53.4%).
This would be fine for a Baby Boomer, or even a Gen X employee, but not for the young employee starting out.
We may be setting ourselves up for classic corporate conflict: 78 million Gen Y attempting to replace 75 million Gen X and Boomers.
And as I write this, marketers, academia and who knows whom else is trying to come up with the next label for post Gen X.
With the entrance of the bubble and Gen X (and eventually Gen Y) came a much more instant gratification, self-oriented nature to the workforce.
As Gen X bears the brunt of the housing price slump, younger consumers are less likely to make the financial and emotional investment of homeownership.
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We all have heard of Gen X and Gen Y, now we need to all work together to make sure there is no Generation Zero.
And despite the largely unequal paychecks drawn by Baby Boomers and Gen X, the gap is closing between male and female urban workers in their 20s.
Preparatory skills for a career transition matter more if you are a Gen X-er because you are on the cusp of your highest income- earning years.
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The gaming industry is a billion dollar industry, comprised of billions of people worldwide that is still experiencing dramatic growth as tech-savvy Gen X and Y populations age.
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The GfK study found that 29 percent of Gen Y consumers are small car intenders, vs. 19 percent for Gen X and 19 percent for Baby Boomers.
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While a Traditional, born 1945 or earlier, would accept almost any order as long as it came through the proverbial chain of command, Boomers and Gen X might hesitate but comply.
On the border between two generations, the younger cohort in Gen X risks falling through the cracks when it comes to assessments of our needs and indeed discussions of our fate.
Schawbel says his research shows that Gen X is the most stressed generation because they are squeezed by the recession and unemployment, while having to take care of their families.
To wit, nearly 40 percent of men and 25 percent of women want to become their own boss, she says (54% of Millenials, 46% of GenY, 35% of Gen X-ers and 21% of Baby Boomers, by age).