The US publisher is a division of Disney and publishes general interest fiction and non-fiction books for adults.
However, despite the general interest and support for entrepreneurship, Turkey there are still significant challenges for women entrepreneurs.
In other words, the Journal is becoming more of a general interest paper like The New York Times.
The Restoration Hardware situation is of general interest for at least two reasons.
And he was a very important contributor to the early Mars missions and to the general interest in planetary exploration.
The Journal's evidence is that the cyber-espionage goes well beyond specific stories to a general interest in sources and coverage.
Quora also skews more tech-centric than ChaCha, which remains solidly general interest.
These days the politics of Christianity arouse little general interest in Britain.
But I will talk about a subject that I think is of general interest, a topic that arises out of an interesting Lenovo dilemma.
This form of competition does nothing to serve the general interest in holding down costs, inefficiency and waste in the delivery of medical care.
The second, broader task will be to persuade the French of the general interest in participating in the NATO operation, despite the risk to soldiers' lives.
General interest is a pretty good concept for a physical product that gets delivered to your doorstep, where getting all those disparate sections bundled together makes sense.
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Akashic publishes original stories set in different cities, as well as crime novels written by Cuban authors and an eclectic list of general interest fiction and nonfiction.
The ad is slated to break in the International Herald Tribune on Wednesday, followed by a range of news, general interest and lifestyle publications, including Vanity Fair.
That said, will there be more than platitudes uttered here about how important it is for capitalists to be seen to be caring and working in the general interest?
Perhaps the decline of Reader's Digest's fortunes was inevitable with the longer-term social and political influences of 60s counterculture, the failure of general interest magazines, the rise of global media targeted at specific niches and the advent of the internet.
Even if e.g. raising funds to benefit stability funding were to be considered as an overriding requirement of general interest, that requirement could not explain why transactions involving countries with different currencies would be treated less favourably than those involving only one currency.
Mom and Dad own a 1% general partnership interest that gives them full control.
In theory, the prices of various securities should have converged around a general market interest rate.
ECONOMIST: What did early 19th-century literary characters live on?
In the summer of 2010 it acquired, a general-interest sports blog with a particular focus on media.
In 1965, Ms. Brown took over Cosmopolitan, then a flagging general-interest magazine, and transformed it to appeal to women.
It has mastered the hardest thing any general-interest publication has to do, which is to forge a coherent voice and editorial identity.
FORBES: Slate Lays Off Staff. Does Its Model Still Make Sense?
The old, general-interest book clubs are never going to be able to match big online retailers on range, or on discounted bestsellers.
Why do we consider the integrity of business and financial journalism to be even more important than for many forms of general-interest news?
Credit card rates would be likely to get caught up in such a general increase in interest rates.
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Google's resolve to bring WebM video streaming to the masses doesn't seem to have been weakened by a general lack of interest from the rest of the tech world, and the company's announced that each and every new YouTube upload will now be automatically transcoded into a WebM version.
The solid rally in the U.S. stock market, which sees major indexes at or near five-year highs, is attracting the interest of the general investing public, which is limiting investment interest in the safe-haven gold market.
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The solid rally in the U.S. stock market, which sees major indexes at or near five-year highs, is attracting the interest of the general investing public, which is in turn limiting investment interest in the safe-haven gold market.
Rather than it being in an credit issuers interest to promote a general feeling of security, its in an issuers interest to emphasize why they are particularly secure.
Stopping that as early as we can, I think, is in the best interest of the international community in general, and specifically in the best interest of the United States.
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