"There has been general malaise that's affected everything, " said Flemington Borough Council Member Joseph Novick about downtown.
Despite the current frosty credit market and general malaise in the economy, there are reasons to be optimistic about the offering.
However, in the case of AONE, the pattern never transpired as AONE continued to fall with the general malaise of the overall market.
Volumes were down sharply, stocks sold off and a general malaise gripped the industry as economic data in the U.S. and around the world turned sour.
FORBES: Goldman Sachs Profit Battered, Not Broken, In Rocky Second Quarter
For my part, I believe another round of quantitative easing to satisfy the markets will not be effective and will result in a general malaise of diminishing returns.
Although the claims follow a number of sex allegations against Premiership footballers in recent months, Taylor denied that it reflected a general malaise at the heart of football.
BBC: SPORT | Football | My Club | Leicester City | Taylor fears media trial
We'd begun the day talking about a phenomenon we'd noticed again and again in women of the post-feminist generation--a general malaise with symptoms that are a combination of "analysis paralysis, " "grass is greener" syndrome, and a sense that there are far too many choices to deal with.
Yet, contributing to a a general global malaise were the slowing growth prospects in once-vibrant economies.
That prices of all companies there are depressed by the general economic malaise in the country.
But there are signs the impact this time is more pronounced, combined with federal increases and a more general tax malaise.
But in the past eight years things have slowed down, partly because of the general economic malaise, with record companies reluctant to invest in new musicians.
With further disputes over bank capital laws also creating a significant split among EU states, the U.K. could well find itself prospering from the general economic malaise.
General economic malaise keeps major burners like steel manufacturing sidelined.
Many people attribute the decline of PC sales to various factors, like the growing popularity of smartphones and tablets or the general economic malaise affecting buyers around the world.
Eleanor Tabi Haller-Jorden, General Manager of Catalyst Europe told CNN that the discrepancy is probably not the result of the current economic malaise.