When Ceefax launched, it was rumoured that there were only four teletext-capable TV sets in the whole UK - one in the BBC director general's office, one for the director of engineering, one at Kingswood Warren and one in Colin McIntyre's home.
John Curran was re-appointed director general of the Office of Utility Regulation for a further three years.
The Attorney General and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget are invited to attend meetings pertaining to their responsibilities.
Michael Tamdio, the director general of the national office of industrial free zones, says the new stock exchange will allow it to privatise vital parts of the infrastructure.
Gen Aristides, director general of the national office for combating drug trafficking, was travelling by car through Tegucigalpa when two attackers on a motorcycle opened fire, police said.
Under the overall authority of the Assistant Director-General for Education and under the direct supervision of the Director of the Amman Office, the incumbent shall provide policy advice and technical support to the Member State in policy formulation and review, and the development of national education strategies and plans.
Under the overall authority of the Assistant Director-General for Education and under the direct supervision of the Director of the Rabat Cluster Office, the incumbent shall provide policy advice and technical support to Member States in the Rabat Cluster (Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia) in policy formulation and review, and the development of national education strategies and plans within countries of the Field Office.
Under the overall authority of the Assistant Director-General for Education and under the direct supervision of the Director of the Doha Cluster Office, the incumbent shall provide policy advice and technical support to Member States in the Doha Cluster (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen) in policy formulation and review, and the development of national education strategies and plans within countries of the Field Office.
Following the visit to the University of Arts, the Director-General visited the UNESCO Havana Office and met with the personnel and staff of the office.
"The proliferation of organizations with overlapping oversight and assistance responsibilities is a source of potential confusion among agency personnel and may be an inefficient use of scarce technical resources, " said Jack Brock, director of governmentwide and defense information systems at the General Accounting Office, speaking before Congress in February.
Under the overall and direct supervision of the Director of the UNESCO Office in Venice, the incumbent will receive general guidance, pertaining to policies and deadlines and carries out a variety of programme functions such as: collecting, researching and interpreting data and preparing reports of a semi-technical nature or administrative aspects.
On the opening remarks of the Forum, UNESCO Tashkent office delivered key-note messages of Mr. Qian Tang, Assistant Director-General of UNESCO for Education, and Mr. Arne Carlsen Director of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning.
The Venice Office staff would also like to sincerely thank Mr Koichiro Matsuura, the departing Director-General, for his effective leadership, support and encouragement to continue to develop and implement high quality activities in science and culture in the SEE Region.
Mr. Walter Erdelen, Assistant Director-General for the Natural Sciences, UNESCO, and Mr. Philippe Queau, the Director of the UNESCO Moscow Office, sent their addresses to the conference.
Counsel for Sgt Nightingale, Simon McKay, said the emails appeared to show the Director of Service Prosecutions consulting the military "chain of command" - the Adjutant General's office - on whether or not to pursue the case against the soldier.