Mr Alexander's new pay package was approved by Thames Water's parent company, German utility giant RWE.
It was a "mediocre" performance and the 1-0 victory was "flattering" to the German side.
And Frankfurter Rundschau said he was the German "saviour in our hour of need".
Later, talks began with Linde, Messer Griesheim's biggest German competitor, about merging the two companies.
Many Alsatians have German roots, and so do the traditions at the Christmas market.
The German government, a 31% stakeholder in the company, has already accepted his resignation.
Begin your trip in the small, German-influenced capital of Windhoek, with its scattering of historic buildings.
Even in that group of uniformed schoolchildren leaving German school, there are black faces.
That afternoon we dived the 150.8m-long, 5, 440-tonne SMS Karlsruhe, another of the wrecked German ships.
In addition, 20bn euros will be set aside in the German budget to cover potential losses from loans.
The German used the 40-year-old goalkeeper Edward Ansah against an overwhelming popular opinion who were against his choice.
It still appears that Bayer may buy Aventis CropScience, the agricultural division of Franco-German drug giant Aventis .
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called for Russia to give a chance to non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
German 30-year bund yields fell to a record low at a government auction Wednesday.
But that's not the only pitfall ahead: Expect a battle between German corporatism and French statism.
"They are the backbone of the EU, " said the German Labour Minister, Ursula von der Leyen.
The East German state feared collapse if it could not hold its most productive citizens.
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However, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she had not reached a definitive position on the issue.
Yet Ismailia's German manager Theo Bucker is approaching the first leg of the semi-final with caution.
"I had begun to be a little wary of German words, " Arvind said Thursday night.
Turing is celebrated for his work in deciphering messages encrypted by the German Enigma machine.
For example, consider the profit generated by a German subsidiary of a French company.
FORBES: Holiday Season Is Just Around The Corner -- Corporate Tax Holiday Season That Is
In fact, three of the top five automakers on the Global 2000 are German.
Indeed, a weekend poll indicates that 50% of the German people want the Deutsche mark back.
After the Spanish sting came the looting of German gold in World War II.
Mr German admitted there was only "a slim chance" of the factory remaining open.
He has, however, struggled against men like Brands, a 6-foot-5 German who slugs the ball.
Plus, you have to sit through a rather lengthy church service in German on hardback chairs.
Adams invented Viramune, an AIDS drug, while working at Boehringer Ingleheim , the German pharmaceutical firm.