As the air traffic died down, I finally found silence deep enough to get lost in.
"Lake City will probably get lost in the shuffle, " wrote The San Francisco Chronicle's Mick LaSalle.
It's very hard, you can only sense it, and you can get lost in there.
It is so easy to get lost in the details of getting through the day.
She started forgetting to pay her bills, and would get lost while driving to familiar places.
Too often entrepreneurs get lost in the decision of which marketing channels to choose.
Not only did we not die, or get lost, but we came in second.
Friend wants to power it wirelessly--and learn to control it so it won't get lost.
Unfortunately, in all the words, a fair portion of the meaning tended to get lost.
FORBES: Density Of Meaning: Creation As The Flip Side Of Memory
Customers like Jay Gould complain they sometimes get lost in the gap between the two airlines.
During medical training, that art can get lost in the demands of mastering the science.
Goals without schedules or deadlines tend to get lost in the rush of day-to-day life.
FORBES: Stuck in Your Own 'Groundhog Day'? Here's the Easy Way to Get Out
However, when we show them just the bright stars in the sky, they get lost.
Efforts to clean up the country's finances tend to get lost in the congressional wash.
And other campaigners also fear they would get lost in the party system.
Four trips across the ocean, and a lot of innocent little packets get lost along the way.
That can be a pretty long trip, and a lot of packets get lost along the way.
Big organisations with sharp lawyers can usually navigate the system, but small groups tend to get lost.
Somehow, though, this very logical progression seems to get lost in the context of B-to-B social media.
FORBES: The Most Common B-to-B Social Media Question (And the Answer)
Those subtle interactions, like nonverbal gestures that signal someone wants to speak, get lost in virtual meetings.
You can quickly get lost and forget where you started because you become engrossed in the content.
But the idea of benefit often seems to get lost even in trials in the rich world.
No wonder that Nicolas Sarkozy, speaking for many European leaders, in effect told him to get lost.
If you do not get in and have a go at it, then you just get lost.
But just none of it let it to get lost on us that they kept their marriage together.
The abuse, repeating words that Mr Sarkozy himself had used previously, was a crude version of "get lost!"
Then one day in 1992 he was told to find the next John Grisham -- or get lost.
People would wander, stray and get lost until they reached the centre of the maze, a sacred place.
You can get lost in the fog of mediocrity and ideals built upon assumptions that lead to predetermined conclusions.
FORBES: gyroVoice: The Most Important Brand Strategy Question: What Would You Ask Elvis?
Privately, many research leaders are determined to ensure highly trained scientists and engineers don't get lost during the downturn.