Passengers were moved from Glasgow Airport's arrivals hall after a fire in the main terminal.
Glasgow Airport confirmed that as a result of the incident, 14 flights had been delayed.
Leaflets highlighting closures have been made available at shopping centres, petrol stations and Glasgow Airport.
In contrast, Glasgow Airport reported an annual increase of 4.2% in passenger numbers to almost 7.2 million.
Baggage handler John Smeaton, who tackled a would-be bomber at Glasgow Airport is more to the modern taste.
Key sections of the main terminal at Glasgow Airport are being refurbished in time for next year's Commonwealth Games.
The European airline Wizz is switching two of its services from Gdansk and Warsaw from Prestwick to Glasgow Airport.
Police are holding eight people in connection with the attempted car bombings in London's West End and at Glasgow airport.
Glasgow Airport has reported its busiest November for four years, boosted by strong growth in both domestic and international traffic.
BBC: Glasgow Airport reports busiest November for four years
The offence is alleged to have taken place in Siddique's home, the Glasgow Metropolitan College, Glasgow Airport and Ibrox Public Library.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Tayside and Central | Terror accused excused appearance
That is to support new stores, starting with one near Glasgow Airport in Renfrewshire which is expected to open before Easter.
Last weekend's attack on Glasgow airport and a mid-week bomb scare at Heathrow's Terminal 4 seem to presage another summer of strain.
ECONOMIST: Rafael del Pino's nightmare purchase: Heathrow airport
The Dingwall club were due to travel from Glasgow Airport to Marbella.
In January, European airline Wizz Air announced it was switching two of its services from Gdansk and Warsaw from Prestwick to Glasgow Airport.
Earlier this week, Glasgow Airport also blamed low visibility and snow at other UK airports for a slight fall in its January traffic.
Meanwhile, Glasgow Airport reported a 4.3% increase in traffic last month, boosted by a sharp improvement in the performance of its long haul services.
Meanwhile, more than 423, 000 people travelled through Glasgow Airport in February, representing year-on-year growth of 2.1% after adjusting for 2012 being a leap year.
He criticised the decision to scrap the Glasgow Airport rail link, which he claimed cost more than 1, 000 jobs and harmed the construction industry.
However, Siddique had previously been stopped, searched and questioned by Special Branch officers as he prepared to fly with an uncle from Glasgow Airport to Pakistan.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | The quiet student plotting terror
Shadow home secretary David Davis praised Ms Smith's "calmness" in dealing with the failed car bomb attacks in London and at Glasgow Airport over the weekend.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | UK unity 'will defeat terrorists'
MSPs then took evidence on air passenger duty (apd) and aggregates tax from Amanda McMillan from Glasgow Airport and Richard Bird from the British Aggregates Association.
But as Amanda McMillan, managing director of BAA's Glasgow Airport told the programme, the sharp rises in Air Passenger Duty are doing nothing to help develop air links.
At Glasgow Airport, officials said the rise in passengers was down to strong demand for domestic and long-haul travel, coupled with Lufthansa Regional's launch of direct flights to Dusseldorf.
They spent an emotional last night together at a hotel on the island of Harris, a short helicopter ride from Taransay, on Monday before saying tearful goodbyes at Glasgow airport.
Investigators also concluded that if Capt Easson had tried to carry out a forced landing in a field rather than deciding to return to Glasgow Airport, "the outcome might have been different".
It means there will now be 38 routes operating by Ryanair from Edinburgh Airport and 27 routes from Glasgow Prestwick Airport.
Passenger numbers at Glasgow Prestwick Airport should continue to rise this summer after a solid start to the year, according to its operators.
Meanwhile, almost 412, 000 people travelled through HAH's other Scottish airport - Glasgow - in January.
Meanwhile, HAH's other Scottish airport - Glasgow - saw numbers rise by 4.6% to reach almost 700, 000 for the month.
But as CitExpress contracts end in Aberdeen, a new flight from Glasgow to London City airport will be launched in April 2003.