Next time your trying to interpret the latest bit of medical research, turn to our glossary.
The Policy Guidelines also gives a detailed bibliography and glossary of terms and abbreviations used at the end.
For that reason, Forbes is starting a glossary of health-related terms: Medical Terms You Need To Know .
You can also use this Forbes glossary of financial jargon to look up any more terms you come across.
Other proposals include the development of a Tongan Language glossary for ESD and also ongoing mapping of ESD activities in-country.
In fact the German publishers decided that its language was likely to prove such a challenge to readers that they appended a 70-page explanatory glossary.
Every term in a book's glossary generates its own study card.
That's why, with help form the smart folks at technology publisher O'Reilly Media, we've assembled a glossary of e-commerce-related tech terms that every entrepreneur should know.
He plans to package "Dark Matter" with a short illustrated book that may also include the album's lyrics and a glossary, "like an epic textbook, " he said.
WSJ: GZA on 'Dark Matter' Album - Interview: Rapper Finds Muse in the Stars
Sarah Spain and additional contributors will provide espnW's take on The Finals, including an informative glossary of basketball terms. espnW will also feature predictions and perspective from WNBA players.
ENGADGET: ESPN 3D preps for NBA Finals, adds new Friday Night Fights to the schedule
Once a full report has been generated, clients receive a spiral-bound notebook containing results, clustered by specialty (infectious diseases, cancer, cardiovascular, etc.), as well as a graphic display of the results, a lab report and a glossary of biomarkers.
Aetna and the Financial Planning Association have teamed up on this site to offer some excellent tools to reference while you make your open enrollment choices, including a glossary of benefits terms (aka, dummy guide) and calculators for health and baby-related expenses.
The Office is developing, through multi-disciplinary consultations, a training manual to offer a glossary of key concepts and best journalistic practices, as well as to take stock of government normative actions, such as the up-coming China National Plan for Food Safety and Nutrition 2011-2020.