It may have been instructed to go by way of Gibraltar, but that did not mean it would dock there.
Unless contrary arguments are peculiarly persuasive, the new road of trust he hopes to build will have to go by way of Wye.
Mr Blunkett did not go out of his way to quell this suggestion by saying cheerfully to a conference of querulous teachers last weekend that he was, alas, taking his leave of them.
Why did the Saudis go out of their way to stand by Mr Sharif?
Nor will any of it go towards testing the ones we have by exploding any of them underground - the only way to be absolutely certain they work.
At which point the mobile revolution will go the way of all successful revolutions, replaced by a ubiquity that makes mobile and, more importantly, touch, less a distinguishing characteristic and more the basic table stakes for innovation and new functionality.
There are a variety of apps by third parties that go some way to plugging the gap.
The prescription drugs I take now only go part of the way in helping me get by day 2 day.
The son of a Hungarian immigrant, who did not go to one of France's elite schools, Sarkozy had to fight his way to the top of politics by sheer strength of will.
By the way, there you go again, misrepresenting the benefit of the 401(k) system.
FORBES: 10 Reasons Reagan Could Cut The Top Tax Rate To 28%, But Romney Can't
But politicians could go a long way towards building credibility for their fiscal decisions by copying more of the tricks of modern monetary policy.
Hopefully, they will go some way to plugging the gap left by the decline in some traditional sources of funding.
Chicago-based startup revolutionizes the way people go out at night by automatically tracking and revealing the number of people in a bar, the male-to-female ratio, and the average age of each customer, in real-time, with no need for user participation.
If the black vote can be taken for granted by the Democratic Party, why should Democratic candidates go out of their way to meet black concerns over education, health care and jobs (black unemployment is running at 8.7%, compared with a rate for whites of 3.8%)?
And by careful crafting of the scattering pulses he was able to go all the way to that limit.
He is with me wherever I go, and you can bet he is by my side every step of the way as I conquer every continent, 26.2 miles at a time.
By way of reassurance, he also said that should military action go ahead without UN backing, Shannon's continued use by the US would have to be thrashed out in the Irish parliament.
Afghan security forces, considered the key to the country's success when troops withdraw by the end of 2014, still have a long way to go before they are able to handle some operations without the help of the international forces.
CNN: US Marine general takes over NATO forces in Afghanistan
If things go on this way, Japan's population will have plunged by half by the end of the next century.
Executives fear that by letting Apple rent shows for 99 cents, the video industry will go the way of the music industry (down, down, down).
By acting now, Pangilinan is trying to make sure First Pacific will not go the way of Peregrine, the aggressive Hong Kong investment bank that went belly up this month.
With tablets forecasted to reach one-third of US adults by 2015, tablet commerce only has one way to go: Up.
SECONDLY, THE REPORT should go a long way toward correcting the rumors and propaganda disseminated by EADS in the days following the announcement of the award.
Soon, however, notes and coins could go the same way as pigs, to be replaced by electronic digits that transfer value at the click of a mouse or so digital enthusiasts would have us believe.
"I think botanical gardens can provide a good insurance policy, by bringing them into cultivation as a way of making sure they don't go completely extinct, but we want them to be secure in the wild as well, " she said.
By seeing things through the eyes of love, we will intrinsically know what way to go.
It says by 2017, if you have a better way of doing it, help yourself, go ahead, take that route.