You can rent a boat and go fishing or just explore the hiking trails and spot the birds...
Fishing legends seem to do what the rest of us do in retirement: They go fishing.
They go fishing with below-market rates and target buyers who don't qualify for regular health insurance.
Cheney planned to go fishing Monday and was expected to travel Tuesday to Cleveland, Womack said.
For an extra fee guests can go fishing from Saal's private launch or flightseeing from his Cessna 185.
Robert Heaton, 41, was last seen leaving his home on Belah Road, Carlisle, on Thursday to go fishing.
One said he hasn't decided whom he will vote for, and McKissic said he'll go fishing on Election Day.
The Russians were too busy fighting to go fishing--first in World War I, then in establishing the Bolshevik state.
Joe's older brothers Tom and Mike -- they already had to go fishing.
The Ugandans like to go fishing out in the little creeks over there, and they usually keep what they catch.
Three years ago, while visiting the island on a business visa, Langdale took a side trip to go fishing on Lake Hanabanilla.
Edison would go fishing in the middle of a workday at a nearby pond, and he would fish with a baitless hook.
The 33-year-old has not been selected for next month's tour of India after missing a compulsory team meeting in August to go fishing.
We are now able to go fishing, boating and camping, attend concerts, visit kids and grandkids, go to movies, go shopping, walk the dogs.
Even today, they are coping better with poverty and unemployment than other regions, mostly because they can still go fishing and feed their families.
He threw a bunch of chum in the water and then expected the sharks to sort of wait four months for him to go fishing.
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"Growing up, I got to go fishing and crabbing with my dad, and we spent a lot of time out on Puget Sound, " Ms. Erickson said.
You can luxuriate in Murtoli's seaside spa, with its Corsican-made Realia products, or go fishing, horseback riding, or hunting (for wild boar and small game, in season).
Lo and behold, an agent could be turning down my street at any moment, perhaps to go fishing on our Yellow River, and would discover my untapped talent.
Many have suggested that the only solution for publishers is to re-imagine themselves as Hollywood studios and go fishing for blockbuster hits such as the next Harry Potter or Twilight series.
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Then one day he decided to go fishing, and a simple twist of fate launched an improbable series of events which catapulted this San Antonio entrepreneur into the presidency of New York's venerable Explorers Club.
Like Ted Williams he should zip up his duffle bag and go bone fishing off the Bahama cays.
When I go salmon fishing now, I do it partly in memory of his inability to do so.
FORBES: Gone Fishing: Paul Volcker Retires From Public Life, Heads For the River
Dive shops in Florida and the Caribbean are asking clients to record where they find these ravenous consumers of native fish, and are encouraging divers to go spear fishing for them.
BBC: Hunting possums �C and ecological balance �C in New Zealand
Patrick Keliher, the Commissioner of the Maine Department of Marine Resources, said his agency has investigated reports of lobstermen coercing others not to go out fishing in an effort to lower supplies and raise prices back to more normal levels.
Unable to completely let go of my fishing jones, I called him and booked a trip.
From there, money would go directly to fishing villages in Sri Lanka.