They were so used to the master saying come on, let's go for a walk.
After all, most of us don't dress like Olympic runner Usain Bolt when we go for a walk.
Another American group, the National Institute on Ageing, reckons that many octogenarians can climb stairs, go for a walk and do their shopping.
But with the 5Star you can go for a walk around the block or go to the store (assuming you have good cell service).
After months at Walker Gate Park rehabilitation centre in Northumberland she managed to go for a walk, wash herself and make cups of tea.
"One of the most obvious is the opportunity for physical activity or being more motivated to go for a walk along the coast, " he said.
Ramble through romantic river valleys, hike among fragrant pines, bag Alpine peaks or simply go for a walk by the lake or through the dunes.
Mr Mantle's wife Lynne, 48, told the inquest she had initially told Lee he could not go for a walk to the beach because it was too late.
The megaphone lets you send a message to your less-active friend telling them to go for a walk, run or bike ride -- but you can only bully them once ever seven days.
Joseph Kvedar of Partners Telemedicine, who is also a professor at the Harvard Medical School, suggests that insurance companies might, for example, offer free phone minutes to customers who go for a walk every day.
"That's when you see people, when they go for a walk, they're being pulled by their dog, or when they open the door, just to answer the doorbell, the dog gets to the door first, " he explained.
We have national parks to provide access to these kinds of areas, but that does mean that people will effectively go for a walk in the park without perhaps doing the preparation work, getting kitted up, learning the necessary skills.
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I'm going to bundle up tight today -- silk underwear, hat, gloves, and insulated boots -- and go for a walk in the woods, just to savor the depth of silence, the sense of a world brought to a point of absolute and unimaginable stillness.
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Better still, she would just disappear, maybe go out for a walk in the woods by herself.
Mr Gonzalez's wife told the BBC on Monday that one of the first things they would do after arriving would be to go for a long walk together.
For instance, at times the pain was so bad that all I wanted to do was lay in bed, but Dr Thomas has encouraged me to go out for a walk, or to sit in the garden.
It is a great place to take children for a walk and an ice-cream or go for a run.
When you go to Smoothie King looking for a snack and walk out with a 1, 500 calorie drink, which is close to a day's worth of calories in a cup, that's shocking.
And everywhere, people want to live places where they can walk, whether to work or just go for a stroll in the evening.
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Then when that scene was over, I'd walk over from the piano and go play the organ for another scene and then - a little pump organ I have, and then I'd pick up the electric guitar again and get all my distorted sounds out of that to go with the Indian drums and the things that were happening in the film.
If the potential for a major financial crisis does persuade House Republicans to go along in the end, however, the speaker could walk away victorious and come out of this legislative mess appearing as the leader who can round up votes.